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General Nilaar

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This .net passport thing is really starting to annoy me. In fact I'm real tired of even looking at the word "passport" on the screen. Passports allow you to go somewhere, this new system seems to exist only to keep me out.


Nevermind the fact I shouldn't have to waste my time with this. That I have to go through this huge annoyance for absoulutely no gain on my part over the old system. Let's just assume the zone is always going to get worse with EVERY SINGLE UPDATE and move on. It's pretty much a given that as soon as my interest in GB is over, I'm leaving the zone for good.


But in the meantime I need help! I've got my passport account, but it won't let me in. It says that once you have the account it will walk you through the steps in creating a MSN nickname or allow you to regain your old zone ID. It doesn't actually do that of course, that would be much too easy. Instead it keeps taking me to the same zone signup page where you first go to in order to click on the passport icon. You know the "Welcome back: sign up page". Nowhere is there a place that allows me to reclaim my zone ID.


Someone help me with what I'm missing here.


Personally I wish the whole community would move over to Gamespy. The staff at the zone is incompetent. Over and over again they amaze me with how overpaid they are.....

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