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Stuck on Campaign

The Empire Man

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I need some tips on Wookie Campaign Mission 3. How did you guys defeat it?


While my workers slowly cut through the woods for my escape, the Empire attack just whoops me. I've tried 2 AA Turrets, Fortress, multiple AA troopers. If I get the AA under control, the 3 AT-AT's waste me.


What defense structures did you build and what units did you concentrate on?

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Guest BountyHunter

I built as many workers as I could and gathered as much resources as possible.


I also built a ton of turrets by the gate and some in the middle.


I noticed when they finally do get it in it takes them time to get to the back of the base as they try to destroy everything else first.


Also...when you have your workers at the back of the base try to make them go for the same trees and you can cut a quick and narrow path through to the water.


I'm not sure if you have to do this but I had to build a shipyard and a transport boat to carry Han and Chewie away.


Hope this helps :boushh:

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