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The truth about the terrorist attacks

Dagobahn Eagle

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Guest crazy_dog

Yeah, it's cool. Apart from the fact of getting rid of the CIA. Even as a bloke from ex-Soviet Russia I think so.

The CIA's cool. But the US does need to slightly change it's foriegn policies.

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"People in Canada enjoy better democracy, more freedom, and greater human rights than we do. So do the people of Norway and Sweden. Have you heard of Canadian embassies being bombed? Or Norwegian embassies? Or Swedish embassies. No.


I never before realised that. How many terrorist attacks have there ever been against Norway or Sweden? Zero? I arrived in the US and was impressed by their Armed Forces (before 9/11 I was a loyal follower of the "US is invinsible" stereotype :rolleyes: ). But is that really everything?


Money leads to armies. Armies leads to fear. Fear leads to uprisings. Uprisings leads to the owner of the armies being forced to deal with the uprising. The results are garrisons in other countries, hate against the country commandeering the army, and terrorist attacks. The US is locked in a situation which require them to have an army because if they downsize the army their country will be attacked by those who hates them because they have a big army. Or as Yoda put it: Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to suffering.


I've learned something new about the politics for the second time since I moved to the US :rolleyes:..

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Interesting read there. Clinton may have been wrong about why they hate us, but at least he tryed to do something about it. (Albiet it falied miserably) However, none of us heard about this, since we wanted to know where he puts his weenie..


Still, interesting read

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Guest Luke Skywalker

The only reason Canada (i live there) doesn't have terrorist attacks is because theres no reason to attack us. We are not threat to any other country and the only reason we are involved with the US is because without you guys we wouldn't have an economy. We are a member of the UN and keep our debts to them up-to date (yes I know we owe over a trillion dollars to other countries but we never stop paying its just that we don't pay in large amounts so eventually we won't have any debts.) I like being Canadian :D

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Yah well, our histroy has always been connected to yours, its just because of the year of 1812 all of this happened. Errr I hate that number 1812.

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Guest Maul403
"People in Canada enjoy better democracy, more freedom, and greater human rights than we do. So do the people of Norway and Sweden. Have you heard of Canadian embassies being bombed? Or Norwegian embassies? Or Swedish embassies. No.

BULL CRAP!!!! The reason the Terrorists do NOT attack them is because they are NOT as strong as we are! They are not more free, they do not have better human rights! The reason canada, sweeden, norwegian embassys not being bombed? BECAUSE WHO CARES ABOUT BOMBING THEM! Bomb the US because they are more powerful and they are the only ones who really pose a threat aganist terrorism. Espically w/ GW in office now...not old-P.O.S. clinton

Clinton may have been wrong about why they hate us, but at least he tryed to do something about it.

HAHHAHHAHA!!!! He put 50 missles on a "SUSPECTED" terrorist camp, we destroyed ALOT in those attacks.....yeh...ALOT of SAND AND CANVAS TENTS! Clinton didint have the guts to do CRAP!!!!!!!





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Guest Luke Skywalker

HHAHAHA our human rights are so much better than yours! Thats why the terrorists came into Canada then into the US. Well I suppose thats not a good thing but atleast we don't have any crime, or atleast none that is widespread.

*remembers when they arrested the Mafia leader of NOrth America outside of Toronto*

OPPs I take that back well atleast we don't have a stupid government

*remembers Canadian alliance*

Oh darn....

*remember NDP*

Thats not good

*remember PC*

Oh no....

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Guest Maul403

Well good for you, you know why you dont have crime? Cause everyone in your county is white

In the USA we are so diverse everyone gets mad at each other for their race, everyone has different beliefs about whats right and wrong etc etc etc

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Guest Luke Skywalker

HAHAHAHAHAHAH you are so funny! You haven't seen diversity until youve come to Canada In my Tech class theres 9 whites 4 asians 5 middle eastern (?) and 2 africans.

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Originally posted by hannibalscipio

Yes, everyone should read that.......then spit on it, crumple it up, and throw it in the incinerator. If you don't like America, just leave, man.


That is very diplomatic of you. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Maul403

BULL CRAP!!!! The reason the Terrorists do NOT attack them is because they are NOT as strong as we are! They are not more free, they do not have better human rights! The reason canada, sweeden, norwegian embassys not being bombed? BECAUSE WHO CARES ABOUT BOMBING THEM! Bomb the US because they are more powerful and they are the only ones who really pose a threat aganist terrorism. Espically w/ GW in office now...not old-P.O.S. clinton


HAHHAHHAHA!!!! He put 50 missles on a "SUSPECTED" terrorist camp, we destroyed ALOT in those attacks.....yeh...ALOT of SAND AND CANVAS TENTS! Clinton didint have the guts to do CRAP!!!!!!!


Okay, whenever I see someone insult any other country (especially Canada) I might go an a rant, so I would like to say I am sorry in advance if I offend anybody of if I get any fact wrong.


Maul403: Canada has been voted #1 country to live in by the UN often. (Last year Australia won and Canada #2 place). Sweden and Norway are known to be countries who do not wish war, like Canada. They respect other countries. They respect critisism about them and they respect other religions.


I've seen and herd countless times: "burn the rag heads". That just frustrates me. The media... sorry, let me restructure that sentence... the american media has shown mostly bad lights on the afgan country, citizens and other ariabian countries. Your politicians know why American is a hated country. They just dont want to say it because they would be critized of not being "true americans" and hated. America has effected lives that should of not been touched in the first place. (I could go on but I am afraid I might insults some even though I do not mean it. I know most Americans (and most visitors of this forum) know and recognize these events. You are all smart people, just think it threw)


But I would like to bring back a little history. I'm not sure if CNN forced the news caster (chained to his desk 24hours a day) to mention the past between the USA and the Taliban. I saw a very interresting report last night by the BBC on TLC. During the cold war between the USSR and the USA, American helped give weapons and even sent men to train guerilla soldiers in a country under attack by the Russians, Afghanistan.


The guerilla soldiers where in fact the Taliban. American helped Taliban to defeat the Russian invasion "inderectly". Soon other the Taliban crew in force and took over the capitol, Kabul, and the rest of the country.


The Taliban regiment closed all schools for woman, forced them to hide themselves from toe to the top of the head. Public execution, torture to "unfaithful" and "infidels".


American has ignored all these acts against humanity because the Taliban goverment was supposed to crack down on opium production in its country. In other words, less drug trafic to American from Afghanistan, so they were happy and ignored the actions of the goverment. (on a side note, the Taliban never did crack down on opium production. it in fact is one of the strongest source of cash for the population since they are so poor)


You might think weapons and armies are the answears against "evil" (as President Bush so ellegantly said). But politics and respect of others is the right way.


One American sent troops into a country where woman are not allowed to read, write, and learn. They sent troops in which woman are seen driving around in cars and etc. Do you think the local population will like it? no. why? It is thier religion.


I've also seen mentions on other boards that relgion is useless. No it is not. In the North American and more Europian cultures, religion is no big part of live to most. But to the others, it is also their only hope. To the poor in the middle east, religion and thier God(s) is thier only source of hope to survive.


NOTE: please no flamming. Voice your opinion. No insults to others, religions, etc. I have the power to ban anybody without warning if it is needed. I know it is a sensitive issue, but please still be carefull.

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BULL CRAP!!!! The reason the Terrorists do NOT attack them is because they are NOT as strong as we are! They are not more free, they do not have better human rights! The reason canada, sweeden, norwegian embassys not being bombed? BECAUSE WHO CARES ABOUT BOMBING THEM! Bomb the US because they are more powerful and they are the only ones who really pose a threat aganist terrorism. Espically w/ GW in office now...not old-P.O.S. clinton


That's exactly what he said!! He said, "Norway, Sweden, and Canada are democratic, free, and have more rights, they also won't get bombed." He did not say "because Canadians and Norsemen are more democratic, they won't get bombed". I understand that it looks like "...rights than we do, so have you ever heard of Canadian embassies being bombed?", but it says


"People in Canada enjoy better democracy, more freedom, and greater human rights than we do. So do the people of Norway and Sweden. Have you heard of Canadian embassies being bombed? Or Norwegian embassies? Or Swedish embassies. No."


He does not imply that we are not bombed because we are more democratic, he actually agrees with you and says that because these countries don't have garrisons troughout the world, they won't get bombed.



The reason canada, sweeden, norwegian embassys not being bombed? BECAUSE WHO CARES ABOUT BOMBING THEM!



"In country after country, our government has thwarted democracy, stifled freedom, and trampled human rights. That’s why we are hated around the world. And that’s why we are the target of terrorists.


"People in Canada enjoy better democracy, more freedom, and greater human rights than we do. So do the people of Norway and Sweden. Have you heard of Canadian embassies being bombed? Or Norwegian embassies? Or Swedish embassies. No.


"We are not hated because we practice democracy, freedom, and human rights. We are hated because our government denies these things to people in third world countries whose resources are coveted by our multinational corporations. And that hatred we have sown has come back to haunt us in the form of terrorism — and in the future, nuclear terrorism.


See? Norway never did those things. Neither did Sweden or Canada (okay, okay, the Vikings plundered Ireland thousand years ago and Swedes don't like rice cream, but those are about the only major sins so far :p).


Maul403: Canada has been voted #1 country to live in by the UN often.

So has Norway (man, I still remember the Danes complaining .."why aren't we first!?"

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Originally posted by Maul403

Well good for you, you know why you dont have crime? Cause everyone in your county is white

In the USA we are so diverse everyone gets mad at each other for their race, everyone has different beliefs about whats right and wrong etc etc etc


You think American is the country for imigrants or other races?


Canada's population growth is going high BECAUSE of immigration! If we closed our borders the population growth would be very slow.


I think you should know more on internationnal affairs before you insult and say something about an other country.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Thank you Jackal. We were no. for 4 years if I am correct. We only placed second because of Ontario's Health Care system. It could be better.

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Thank you Jackal. We were no. for 4 years if I am correct. We only placed second because of Ontario's Health Care system. It could be better.


But I'm sure we are not 2nd place just because of that. My dad and my uncle went to Australia a few times. They both said it is an amazing place. They also had a great Olympic without any problems (the only recent Olympic related problem is the bombing at the year before in the US (cant remember the city) and the murders in Munich but that is way too long ago)


Ontario's Health Care system = icon13.gif . Nurse shortage. My mom is a nurse. She's nearing a burn out.


Harris is gone! :D

(I live in ottawa, just look under my avatar)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Our education system could improve. Harris is so deep I feel sorry for him, almost. He's going down for Walkerton. I can't wait till we have a new PM. I supported the Liberals last time around even though Im not legal voting age...


PS this is my 1000 post. Horray!

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Harris is also in trouble for Iperwash. I dont quite remember it but it is something about he mistreated Aboriginals.


I'm a strong supporter of the Liberals. The PC is pathetic. The Canadian Alliance (oh why did they have to put in Canadian) is worst. I remember when Rick Mercer from This Hour has 22 minutes secesfully changed Stockwell Day's name to Dorris Day in a referendum (if the CA won the elections, lucky for Mr Day that didn't happen)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Too bad Rick Mercer is gone now. Talking to American was great! Oh and Harris left a trail thats almost as bad as Malroney's and thats BAD.

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Guest Maul403

ok buddy, i didint say anything was wrong w/ canada or any of the others countrys!!! I SAID they DO NOT pose a threat to terrorism which is why they bomb us. ALSO our government has told us that they helped the taliban during the Soviet-Afghani war, do you think that America wanted it to become the way it is now? LOL if u do your stupid. we have had very bad leaders in the past *cough*clinton*cough* but i think we are now under amazing leadership...sorry if anyone was offended by my previous posts, and sorry that i blew up :) have a nice day

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