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The truth about the terrorist attacks

Dagobahn Eagle

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Guest Luke Skywalker

There are only 2 things wrong with Canada and they lie within Ontario.


1) Our Ontario Health care system has had alot of recent cutbacks forcing alot of nurses and specialists to burn out,


2)Our education system has been fiddled around with to much and when it came for a manditory grade 10 literature test someone stole the tests a week beofre and posted the answers all over the internet causing the 10 million dollars for them to be developed to go down the drain.

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Health care system has had alot of recent cutbacks forcing alot of nurses and specialists to burn out,

Familiar, familiar :o

Norway has a shortage on nurses, forcing us to employ immigrants. However, due to the "everyday racism" very few foreigners get a good job :mad:. That's the worst thing about Norway.

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by Clefo

I remember this one Conan O'Brien Sketch where in the year 2000 America and Canada will unite into a country called "Mexico Sucks". I like Canada better than Mexico. You can actually drink the water there :)


I remember that.

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