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Guest Rick Gateley

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Guest Rick Gateley

Is there any way to fly the Y- wing on the levels that wont let you fly it? Like the first second or third?


And what is a hex cheat and how do you do it?

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Guest Imladil

Well, I don't know of a cheat code to open up all the ships. The only way, I think, is to pass all the levels, and let the game open them up on its own.


Now, a hex cheat is a highly arcane and occult piece of shamanic hardware that is used to counter the effects of curses and psychic attack. It's usually made of braided ear hair and a carved entwood charm; sometimes a hex cheat will have a shrunken Gungan head* or neon crystals interwoven. Almost universally, a hex cheat is hung in front of a window facing the street so that it can frighten small children.


*<font size=1> Jar-Jar? Oh, no!</font>



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the transliteral


"a lot of people got sick from drinking seawater before the early humans developed language."


--Little Jimmy

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Guest Sa Memax

Or download Roguedit.

Leave your E-mail address or E-mail me at boba_fett51@hotamil.com and i'll send it to you with the instructions as well.if you want.


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