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It's my birthday! :D

Guest Redwing

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Guest Redwing

I'm sixteen! Whoopee! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Dark Sad Shadow

dont get cocky...







When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...

I lost my humanity...

I´m a Shadow in this world of darkness...

I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...

I´m the persegutor.

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Guest The Master

Do I smell something burning? Oh sorry, it's just the cake, I knew Rogue9 shouldn't have put the candles on..... biggrin.gif

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

*Pushes button and ejects every escape pod before they were full.* Oops. It's your fault you didn't tell me not to push the red button.



Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!

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Guest Redwing

NOOOO! What have you done??



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

Dang Not again, I have to sit a a pod alone for 3 weeks again, why could Lujyane eject with me or something...

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Guest rebel alliance

happy birday! can we rent the mon remonda (sp) again pleasseee???? biggrin.gif oh ya, but get a bouncer those puppets were annoying. I didn't get to blow up as much stuff as I could have biggrin.gif

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Guest The Master

Guess what, I rented an even bigger ship- Iron Fist. Don't tell Zsinj. He might hurt me. (He is on vacation.) (Oh and I moved us back to the time period when Zsinj wasn't as much of a problem as he was later when Rogue Squadron had to attack opon his very soul and Han Solo killed him.... Enough with the crap though...)

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Guest Redwing

How 'bout my flagship from RSRP. It's got quantum armor and a security system to defend against the odd little creatures and things that always seem to show up at every party. (Clones this means YOU biggrin.gif )



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue-for-Higher

RE: I kept the Mon Remonda, I can kill the Iron fist


As I rember it was srounded by my fleet at http:// <A HREF="http://www.roguesquadron.net/forums/Forum2/HTML/001547.html[/url" TARGET=_blank> [url=http://www.roguesquadron.net/forums/Forum2/HTML/001547.html]http://www.roguesquadron.net/forums/Forum2/HTML/001547.html </A>





"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"


[This message has been edited by Rogue-for-Higher (edited May 21, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by Rogue-for-Higher (edited May 21, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue9

upon reading my response to that section


Originally posted by Rogue9:

seeing as my best force power is Alter Mind your clone wouldn't even know I was there until it was too late, just as the illision he just saw proves. biggrin.gif


you realize I did not infact leave with you impstars, instead I simply stayed where I was when you puny fleet hyperedout. biggrin.gif

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Guest The Master

No, don't you realize what thise means?! WE CAN TRASH IRON FIST WHILE Zsinj IS GONE! Who would like to join me. biggrin.gif

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Guest Redwing

*little kid voice*: Me! Me! Me!



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue-for-Higher

Re: you realize I did not infact leave with you impstars, instead I simply stayed where I was when you puny fleet hyperedout.


What makes you think that my fleet hyperedout. Maybe I took the Mon Remonda directly to one of my bases, thats why there was a fleet wating there.





"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"

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Guest Rogue9

you never had possesion of the Mon Remonda, my forces could have defended agaist any primitive boarding party you could have put together. smile.gif

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