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TIE Interceptor

Guest Blue Leader

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Guest Blue Leader

I have gold on every level. I have tried GOODGUYTIE. BUT I STILL CAN'T FLY THE TIE INTERCEPTOR!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING!!!!!! CAN SOMEONE HELP!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Guest Rogue15

*ahem* go to the millenium falcon, and press the up button or push the joystick foreward. There ya go!

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Guest Wade Vox

You also have to have entered WOOKIEPELT to gain acess to the Falcon (although why you would want to fly it is debatable).

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Guest rebel alliance
rolleyes.gif newbies! don't worry, blue leader elcome to the board! check your sanity at the door and hand over any money you might have to me
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Guest rebel alliance

why you little!! *blows off rogue 15's leg with a twin power pack blaster* biggrin.gif ouch! *grabs money then jumps on a speeder back and zooms off* oops I think I am turning this into an RPG oh no! I have vreated a monster! *goes faster on speeder bike*


[This message has been edited by rebel alliance (edited May 20, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue15

...and runs into a trap Rogue15 has set for him, which is a sequence charge... *detonates it* Rebel Alliance gets thrown face foreward off the speeder bike and lands in...bantha poodoo with his mouth wide open!

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Guest The Master

*But unfortunatly Rogue15 is luagh to hard to even notice that The Master straps a jetpack to his pack and set it to ON and sends Rogue15 flying for the moon.*

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Guest Rogue9

Rogue9 sits laughing at all of them and drops 42 nova bombs into the system primary, creating a giant black hole that sux them all in and throws them out in another universe

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Guest Rogue15

Rogue15 knows how to use a jetpack, but doesn't know how to operate it in an oxygen free environment without suffocating. *calls up ig17* hey, droid, bring my landing craft around* ig17 does, and rescues Rogue15 and does a nose dive straight for the planet, then when they're just about to hit the surface, pull up, and hyperspace into an unknown destination...

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Guest Redwing

Oh my, looks like another RP...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest The Master

*Ignors Redwing and presses the activates the remote mine in the jetpack straped to Rogue15.*


This is getting good.

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Guest Rogue15

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! *wrecks into R9 before exploding* *wakes up from terrible nightmare*

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Guest Rogue-for-Higher

Re: Rogue9 sits laughing at all of them and drops 42 nova bombs into the system primary, creating a giant black hole that sux them all in and throws them out in another universe


I don't think simply denating nova bombs would create a black hole, thay do just the oposite-reversing gravity outward itsted of inward.







"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"

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Guest Rogue9

Originally posted by Rogue-for-Higher:

Re: Rogue9 sits laughing at all of them and drops 42 nova bombs into the system primary, creating a giant black hole that sux them all in and throws them out in another universe


I don't think simply denating nova bombs would create a black hole, thay do just the oposite-reversing gravity outward itsted of inward.


Nova Bombs cause stars to collapse in on themselves, that is the reason the High Guard fleet carries them. they are one of the ultimate weapons of mass destruction.





[This message has been edited by Rogue9 (edited May 22, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue-for-Higher

RE: Nova Bombs cause stars to collapse in on themselves, that is the reason the High Guard fleet carries them. they are one of the ultimate weapons of mass destruction.


Thay cause gravaty to reverse directon, thats how Hunt escaped the black hole.







"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"

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Guest Molten_Lava1

Make up your minds dammit! biggrin.gifconfused.gif Either they cause gravity to be reversed or they will create a black hole. One or the other NOT BOTH. mad.gifbiggrin.gifrolleyes.gif



"Break off to vector 4 now! Ties and coming in fast"


Grand Admiral Thrawn, Long time no shoot at, the New Republic is now a superpower. Too strong for you to defeat. RETREAT! RETREAT! While you still have a chance!!


"Ah you foolish rebels did you really think that you could defeat me... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


Red Leader "Oh! He didn't like the party? Too bad!"

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Guest Rogue9

the Star Collapses after this, Creating a Black hole, thats all I'm getting at, I already know that hunt reversed the gravity of a black hole, (creating a white hole) in order to push himself away, but also keep whatching and you notice that the hole collapsed in on itself afterwords.

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Guest Rogue-for-Higher

RE: you notice that the hole collapsed in on itself afterwords.


that happend because the gravaty feilds retuned to normal. The creation of a black hole didn't happed in Let lose the fateful lighting.







"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"

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