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What are your favorite star wars vehicles?

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

For walker it's the AT-PT and it's big brother, the AT-AT


Starfighter it's the A-Wing


Shuttle/light transport, the Imperial Landing Craft


Starship: Imperial II Star Destroyer (lots of turbolasers!!!!!!!!!!!)


repulsorcraft: that cool swoop...Mobquet Flare-S Swoop



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Guest Mega Morta

I like the naboostarfighter-Fast and smooth,yet hard to manuver.That's me!Always ready for a challenge.



I rule the LAVA!!!!!

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Guest Redwing

Walker: The AT-AT, AT-ST, AT-PT, and the new birdlike one from Galactic Battlegrounds.


Starfighter: A-Wing, duh. biggrin.gif Then we have the X-Wing and TIE Defender.


Shuttle/light transport: Sentinel Landing Craft, Lambda shuttle, ATRs and Cygnus Assault Shuttles biggrin.gif


Starship: Imperator Mark II Star Destroyer.


Repulsorcraft: T-47 Snowspeeder and the V-Wing rule! biggrin.gif And those cool scout bikes from RotJ...





At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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-custom made by S1DC Technologies

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Guest Dark Sad Shadow

- At-At

- Tie Defender

- Imperial Landing Craft


- Snowspeeder




I'm not allowed to feel human feelings

I lost my humanity...


I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...

temp.gif Let the hunt begins...

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Guest Lynk Former


1st - X-Wing

2nd - E-Wing

3rd - A-Wing



Landing Craft



Mon Remonda







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Guest Wade Vox

Walker: Droid fighter in walking mode smile.gif


Transport:Neimodian transport (in Visual Dictionary, the one that the neimodians get off at the start of TPM)

Starship:Trade Federation Battlecruisers!!!! (especially ones that can be destroyed while eating pizza smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif)

Repulsor craft:Gotta be the Gian Speeder! heavy laser cannons! Take this, tank! Boom!

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Guest A_Winger

My favorite starfighter is the A-wing, light, speedy, and agile, if a little low on shields... the X-wing comes a close second though.

For the the shuttle, I'd have to say the normal Imperial shuttles, used for transport. I think they're agile enough for light combat.

The walkers, well, I like the AT-ST and the AT-PT, I'm a little stuck on that one.

Starship, either the Mon Cals or the Star Destroyers.

Speeders, either the snowspeeder, or the Imperial scout speeder bikes...


[This message has been edited by A_Winger (edited September 07, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Mega Morta:

I like the naboostarfighter-Fast and smooth,yet hard to manuver.That's me!Always ready for a challenge.



Are you crazyy..........they n-1 is the easiest figheter to fly.....duh.....the TIE fighter is a challange. I can stay alive the whole mission. can you??(with a TIE)



There are Pretenders among us.....

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Guest Redwing

Well it depends on whether you're talking about the Rogue Naboo fighter or the *real* Naboo fighter. biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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-custom made by S1DC Technologies

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Guest A_Winger

I agree, the Naboo fighter seems pretty easy to handle, and it's not really an all-out combat craft. It does fly at parades and things like that, remember at the end of TPM? They can't be all-out combat craft becuase Naboo was against war...


I still think the A-wing rules!

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Guest Redwing

The Naboo fighter in Rogue Squadron is NOT like the real thing. Play <u>Battle for Naboo</u> to get an idea of what the real thing is like. (And the A-Wing DOES rule, and Niner can't contradict me because he'll probably never read this topic biggrin.giftongue.gif)



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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-custom made by S1DC Technologies

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Guest A_Winger

We can all have our own opinion, I don't see anything wrong with that at all! My opinion is that the A-wing rules, light, speedy, and cool lookin'! I've never managed to get the Naboo fighter in Rogue Squadron, so I won't know what it's like, but I hope to get Battle for Naboo soon. It looks ace!

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Guest Redwing

Oh? Which version of Rogue Squadron do you have? If the PC version, then you need an update. Look on the main page of theis site. biggrin.gif If N64, well, there's a cheat for it but I don't know it...Rogue15 can post it biggrin.gif


The RS Naboo fighter is really unrealistic. It's faster than anything but the A-Wing, can outmanuever the TIE Interceptor (in fact it manuevers so fast it easily can spin out of control), it's laser cannons can outfire anything, and it accelerates and decelerates impossibly quickly. At lowest speed it's as slow as a Y-Wing. It carries proton torpedoes and an R2 unit like the X-Wing. So basically...it's a "superfighter".



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.


-custom made by S1DC Technologies

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