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I'm a Dad again.


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Hey Gunner..I'm 14 and I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters. their names r... Jacob(redwing) Jared.(me) Janica(amidalarocks),Jeremiah,Janna,Joshua, Jerry,Javvana, and Janae, and Melanie.

biggrin.gif that is all. tongue.gif



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Thanks Edlib. smile.gif


Jesh TK, that's a whole lot of siblings. One question though. did your parents run out of names that started with "J" when the got to your sister Melanie. smile.gif


One more thing, I also noticed you said you had 4 brother and 4 sisters so that makes eight and you make 9 but if you add up the names you get 10. Did you miss someone? smile.gif


[This message has been edited by GUNNER (edited September 08, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

Ha ha, Jared/TK didn't think through that post biggrin.gif


First of all, TK, you misspelled "Javanna". tongue.gif About Melanie: She's actually our half sister, in her twenties. I'm the oldest (believe it or not) at sixteen. Besides Melanie of course. When Jared added up the names he didn't count Melanie, so he got 9.



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Guest X-Wing Guy

I have 4 brothers and 1 sister I'm 2nd oldest and my sister is about 3 months old she's such a cute little baby (20,000,000 times cuter than Mega Morta biggrin.gif) and I admit that I was Google Man so that would mean that blue leader is my brother (the older one) and my other brothers, they don't give a care about his website (but they all love star wars) oh and you let jared have a second chance so I should get one too



"If only you new the power of the... of the... what's my line again?"

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Originally posted by Grand_Admiral_Ice:

Didn't you already get your second chance?



hmmmmm...............you do have a point, ice.....he did... tongue.gif

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