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Episode 2 Trailer!!!!!!

Guest dlayers

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Guest dlayers
Starwars.com has officially announced that Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones 'teaser' trailer will appear at the head of the new movie, Monsters, Inc. Other reports have the full trailer on Harry Potter, but this is still speculation. Ep-I DVD owners should be able to view the trailers on starwars.com once Monsters, Inc. hits theaters."


This was an article on Shashdot.org on Monday.


Can't wait!!!

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Guest Boba Rhett





You are here. ;)



On the 2nd of November, a short, "like 30 seconds" trailer will be attached to Monsters Inc.


On the 9th of November there will be another special short trailer only available on the TPM DVD site.


On the 16th there will be a longer trailer attached to Harry Potter.


Why did they have to put the long one on Harry Potter! :(

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Guest dlayers

If this one turns out to be a kiddie movie then Star Wars fans are in trouble.


I don't see how they could make it into one with the clone war, which is supposed to be one of the most violent and memorable war in the Star Wars universe.


Hopefully they are running it on these movies because they are considered family movies.


Mom and Dad take their kids to see these and they see, Episode 2 trailers and think hey, there's something we can take the kids to in May.


I for one won't see the Harry Potter trailer..unless I pay the $4.50 just to go in and watch that trailer and leave. ;)

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Im right there with you dlayers, except i gotta pay $6. You know, i never knew what the heck harry potter was until i saw a trailer last night, now i know. I am not going to see that movie, looks too stupid to me. Im still wondering whether or not to just go and see the trailer though.


Im not thinking Ep 2 will be a kiddie movie, i do remember either Rick or George saying something like its much more of a grown-up film, like ESB was.

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.....Rhett you have a problem with them putting a trailer on Harry Potter but not Monsters INc.?! :confused:

Personally, I'd rather them not put it on either movie....but if they had to, I'd rather it be Harry Potter..

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Guest Boba Rhett

Oh, it will be much darker. You don't have to worry about that. :cool:




Like I explained to you Kvan, I'm a sucker........... for anything Computer Generated. :D I not only go to see the movie, I go to see what all the latest cool effects they've figured out how to do are. I may get into that field! :p

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