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Online Fantasy Games: A call for help

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

Is it me or are the online fantasy games getting worse than better in the majority? It seems for every good one that comes out, there are 10 that are just horrible. I used to play EQ non-stop and was an EQ-addict for about 2 years. After that wore off of being repetitive and too much downtime, my friends and I drifted over to Diablo II. And of course, that game is over repetitve as well so now that is fading out. So I am asking all you gamers out there that are into multiplayer fantasy games to help me find a really good fantasy game.


Dark Age of Camelot's character graphics are horrible. Their faces are all scrunched up and their arms and legs are ovals, not even life like =( Basically I am looking for a game that captures the fantasy atmosphere with nice looking armor and weapons, dragon that we have to fight perhaps and a game that is already OUT or close to coming out. I am getting so sick of these games coming out and waiting its getting pathetic. Graphics are an essential. So what games do you think fit my description?

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EQ is a bad bad game run by those control freaks at Verant. I hated Verant's "You play our way, and only our way, or you don't play at all" attitude, not to mention, the slow leveling, spawn camping, forced grouping, terrible xp and item loss on death, tons and tons of downtime, and all the idiots that played the game. Anarchy Online, don't get me started on that piece of crap. DAoC is EQ done right, but tis still EQ. Asheron's Call is the best out of all the MMORPG out right now, much more enjoyable in my opinion :eek:

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Guest Lord Tirion

EQ is total hell. The ONLY reason it was that successful is because the only game that was out of it's kind was Ultima Online and those graphics were about the same as Zelda from the first Nintendo... So EQ harvested up all the fantasy fans like flies on dog poo and EQ took off. At first the game was captivating. Everything was brand new, much to be explored, and was a 3d world which looked and felt real from a first person view. But the deeper you got into the game, the more flaws just seemed to spring up at you. For the one, the down-time was its MAJOR flaw. It literally took a Warrior without a healer in his/her group over 10 minutes just to heal and even worse if you were higher in lvl and had all those hitpoints to account for. Corpse retrieval was yet another flaw. If you died, you had to take a HUGE hike to get your body (if you were not able to bind yourself at a location close by such as only a FEW classes could). Not only did each zone take almost a minute to zone into, but if you were attacked while running naked without your items, you were killed and had to do the process all over again.


Experience took days, sometimes weeks to get just to gain a lvl. Now is that stupid or what?? Lagging out and dying was a biggie and it happened a lot. Did the GM's care? Hell no. They said.. Tough luck and walked away. I actually had one say that to me. Thank god for the /flip emote...


When you died, you lost literaly hours or sometimes even days of experience and it made all your gaming time you spent in the last few days a total WASTE. The biggest joke was that you had to go to a site and post a time that you were going to hunt a dragon to "reserve" it.. how fooked up was that??? The whole game was a total joke and its sad that there are so many mindless sheep out there that were swear that it is the best game. They are so addicted to it they have no idea what a game should really be about or that any other games even exist anymore.

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Forced grouping ir such crap. It could take an hour or two just to assemble a group before you actually started hunting. Only one or two classes could actually hunt solo. If you died, you could loose xp that it took or more to gain, not too mention everysingle itme you were carrying. Everyone camps the same spawns to get special items. Problem is, the monster might only spawn once a week, and he might not even always drop the item everyone wants. It basically adds up to possibly waiting in line for days or weeks just to get an item.


Now, on to Verant. They are the wrost devs I have ever seen. Like I said before, their style of play is "You play our way, and only our way, or you don't play at all". You can get banned for using a spell, item, or technique in a way that verant does not want you to use it. And I don't mean cheating or beeing a jerk or anything like that, just with normal play. Also, if you were to say "EQ sucks", or something like that, you could get banned. Also, players can be banned for what they say on the official EQ messageboards. In otherwords, if these forums were sponsered by LuasArts, and I wrote a message "GB Sucks", I would most likely be banned :eek:

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Oh Yeah, Tirion, Check out Asheron's Call (AC). An expansion was just relaesed that added a whole lot to the game, inclusing the 4rth new landmass. It also includes all the monthly updates to the game (Over two years of them). Each adds new content, quests, lore, monsters, items, and sometimes landmasses. And the monthly updates are *gasp* for free, Its like an expansion everymonth


Anyways the ups of AC:

No forced grouping

No large spawncamping like EQ

Free Monthly Updates

The Devs aren't evil

A skill based, not class based system (Very open-ended

Very little downtime compared to EQ

Travel is quicker with portals

No Zones

Lifestones are used instead of binding. Anyone can use lifestrones, and they are frequent throughout the landscape

On death, you only use a few of your most valuable items and recieve a 5% decrease in your stats. It can be removed by earning xp


Thats just some of them I can think of off ther top of my head :eek:

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