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Violenct videogames cause violence?

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Lt Cracken

i can state flatly, and the Surgeon General agree's.




Violent videogames do NOT SOLEY CAUSE VIOLENCE IN PEOPLE OR OUR YOUTH. There are many other factors that can induce a mentally unbalanced person, neglect, abuse, be it verbal or physical, social phobia's, hate, or racial issues. Most of these issues can be delt with in EARLY CHILDHOOD TO LATE TEENAGE YEARS.

That right folks, and you know WHY!? that's because it;s at that age when a person is most influencable. The kids that shot up Columbine?

Socially rejected, parental neglect.


Boom. major reason. Parents, whether they admit it or not, were one of the primary causes of that tradegy. Doom, and Quake were only PART OF THE EQUATION. PART. people love to believe that PARENTS, god forbid they do anything wrong in raising a child, so they place all the blame on a lame scapegoat.


I myself have been an avid "Quake m4573r" since the early dasy of DOOM, and Wolfenstien. I was about 8 or 9. Have i thought about going into school one day and waxing 6 or 10 of my classmates? yeah, but, the important thing is that I had parents who cared, and WERE ABLE TO SEE where i was headed, and INTERVENED. Those Colombine parents never gave a crap. and that's how we got there.


During thw whole clinton scandle, or was it the Chandra levy thing, i can't remember, the Suergon General released a study, on videogames and violence. He told EVERY ONE that violent videogames had very little to do with the violence in our youth.


so, no, violent videogames do not cause violence in society, it's a very small part of a much larger problem.

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Guest Rogue15

btw, i already know the answer was no. Altho i must agree with the ign people, after playing a game like super mario 64, and constantly falling to my death in tick tock clock, i feel like releasing all my anger on something. It usually ends up being my door tho, or i quickly get a turok game.

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Guest Rogue15

yep. It's funny how I happen to love violent videogames, yet am not violent around other people in real life...and if so, it's only joking around and usually with someone else who enjoys violent video games *cough*S1DC*cough*

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Guest Lizard_Queen

Originally posted by Lt Cracken:

that was to curb futhur argument, which i KNOW is coming.


Well of course it's coming. biggrin.gif Everyone has an opinion and they love to express it. But i happen to agree with you completely. We can't blame just one thing for violence and certainly not video games. I mean hell, people have shown violent tendencies throughout history. And some of the most famous criminal offenders were back in the days before TV. Jack the Ripper anyone?


Granted he was grade A psychopath but still...if he was around today you can bet ther'ed be a bunch of people blaming Harry Potter books and video games for it.



Resentment is the poison you drink hoping it will kill the other person.

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNNY!!!! its was warped, too, btw.


[This message has been edited by TK-421 (edited October 26, 2001).]

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Guest Wraith 5

I must say that i had a hard teenage live...

I got realy bullied all puberty long.


And i found one way to let my anger go.... one game that realy helped me get threw those years.....


You have no idea how that game made me feel SO good.... it totaly released my anger.

(however my mom said not to buy it)


But do you realy think, when i get into a car that im gonna drive into people for time and points or just to let off some steam???

Ofcourse not....


I had the game WOLFSTEIN 3D when i was 12... you think go to my neighbourly country and blast some Germans???? NO!!


I think mister Cracken is right... it has all to do with parents and live situation and what you have bin threw....





Without EVIL there can not be GOOD. So it must be GOOD to be EVIL. DarthVader.gif

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Originally posted by Rogue15:

yep. It's funny how I happen to love violent videogames, yet am not violent around other people in real life...and if so, it's only joking around and usually with someone else who enjoys violent video games *cough*S1DC*cough*



haha, yea. I seem to remeber several instances after fights in Hybrid Heaven that resulted in the two of us exchanging vollies of flying control paks in the living room, desperately trying to not step on our rented copy of MK4, the playstation, or break the 27" TV...




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Guest Rogue15

heheheh that was funny. afterward we'd go and use dynamite on the people's cars and trucks. remember the ice cream man's look on his face? LOL!!!

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Yeah.. and the united parcels truck that we set on ifre in the center of the b-ball court, which completely burned out into a shell.


and for those not smart enough to figure out what we are talking about, its matchbox cars and fireworks.



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Somehow I suspect bin-Laden and his buddies DIDN'T spend much time playing video-games when they were growing up, and just look how they turned out.

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