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Going Back in Time


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I think that MI 5 should have some story where Guybrush must go back in time to stop Le Chuck from killing him in each of the past four games. The story would involve some voodoo spell-time machine device. Famous scenes from each of the previous games would be used, yet modern graphics would replace the old. It would be very difficult to design, but I think this would make it the best game in the series.

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Thatd be a great idea. maybe not for mi5 tho. perhaps as a spin off or something. I think the idea is great, itd be fun and it wood be interesting to. But i dont think it wood be good for mi5 because there wouldnt be much to figure out. You already know what to do if youve played the first 4. It wouldnt sell very well as a full lenth game, but otherwise it was a great idea. i loved it in mi3 when you look thro the crack and see a scene from mi1. Thats amazing. I really think that your idea is brill! id buy it!

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I got a great idea. With modern graphics Guybrush goes back in time to stop LeChuck from dying and does. When Guybrush is back in time the graphic are bad again and Guybrush says "I feel different...oh yeah, back in this time they didn't have that good of gaming graphics." It takes like 20 mins to save LeChuck and Guybrush Goes back to the future to see The changes that happened because LeChuck isn't dead. The graphics are good again and Guybrush notices that nothing is different. NOTHING. When he askes someone what happened back at the LeChcuk thing they tell him a story about LeChuck:


Some Guy: "As LeChuck's ship got closer to the hurricane a mysterious man appeared and notified LeChuck. LeChuck turned around the hurricane. The mystrious man disappeared...."

Guybrush: "Wow..."

Soem Guy: "I know...but unfortunetly LeChuck's ship ran into another hurricane 5 mins later."

Guybrush: "How stupid can LeChuck be?!" (Mad because his efforts were useless.)

Some Guy: "Well you know what they say, 'One hurricane has a sister nearby."

Guybrush: "What? I've never heard that."

Some Guy: 'Erm Ehem... Oh, just get lost then."

Then, after that, Guybrush has a whole different adventure (That is like 4 disks long).


So what do you guys think? Fun huh? Tell me!

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