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i need help plz!

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I started my own campaign.


I am still working on the first mission cuz:


I would like the mission to be accomplished when Darth Maul is brought to a specified place, but i can't find out how!


I tried this already:

condition: is objet in area

effect: declare victory to player 1


But it doesn't work


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Guest DaRk_EwoK


Condition: Bring object to area (set maul as object and the area, where you want him to go)

Effect: Declare victory - player 1


This HAS to work

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Make sure you click "go to object" and "go to location" when you are setting up the trigger to prevent it from unselecting the unit or the location (I gurantee if you don't click on "go to object" and "go to location" it WILL unselect one or the other).

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