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Captain Cheese

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Finally Ive finished Lucre Island.

Thanks to the help of Grannen and Charley.

Well Now Im on Meele Island again and i need help.

Im pretty Sure the Earings from the Marley heirlooms belongs to the lady from the harbor but i cant seem to find her and i cant get anything from the kitchen at the LUA Bar.

And I need The other Blue Wedding present.

What To Do?!

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Look, dude. You know how to jam the paintbrush in the conveyor belt, but say you can't get it in the right place. Notice the column? When the burning boat goes behind the column the second time, jam away. As for the second part, when you were trapped in the vault on Lucre, what did you use to destroy the locks? It is destructive. When the chef checks out the paintbrush, it is the perfect opportunity to sabotage the machine. WHile in the kitchen, what options come up with the grog can? Tinker with them.

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