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Disagreement is ok, flaming is not.

Guest GL_Raptor

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Guest GL_Raptor

There are a fair number of big posts on this forum that deal almost exclusively with arguments between so called "complainers" and "complainer flamers" So I thought that a post about this would do us all some good.


Complaining about a game is a whole lot different from complaining about a person's opinion. When people start talking about various aspects of the game, that is their right, in fact that is what this forum is all about really.


Now most of the posts on this board are intelligent discussions about different parts of the game, but some are all out complaints, and a few of those are complaints that most people would consider wrong or strange. Still, that is a person's opinion and putting it down really isn't the thing to do.


Not to say that there is anything wrong with some healthy disagreement. There are some ongoing discussions about rushing that are really great cause they give everyone a chance to get their opinion out. However, saying that someone's view is "off the wall", or "Flaming" them is what most people have a problem with. When people say that "I wish they included this" or things to that effect, there is just no reason to destroy them by calling them whiners or such. They are expressing their oppinion of the game. Calling them a whiner is NOT the same thing. You can disagree with a reply and you can think to yourself that they are a complainer but there is no need to post it.


Someone posted a reply a while back that said something about not liking it when people attacked their workers (I am just using this as an example). Now I had never really thought about that before, and it isn't something I personally have a problem with, but I can certainly see what this person is saying. It's a perfectly valid view that I can understand whether or not I agree. Now there were replies to that and other threads where people basically shot this person down by saying that that opinion was just plain crazy. If that is what you feel you should really keep it to yourself because bashing people isn't what we are here to do.


I guess what I am saying is that disagreeing with someone is fine. But calling them a complainer or a whiner or just saying that they are wrong isn't the thing to do even if you really feel that they are. Now I'm not perfect, and I'm sure I've bashed a couple of viewpoints myself, probably even on this forum, but I try not too, and I do see the difference between that and a real discussion. I also apologize for any such bashings. Well that's my 2 cents. Hope you made it through that post in 1 sitting :)


PLEASE keep the replies to this thread on-topic and not go off talking about specific arguments or people.

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Guest porkins14

I agree with you 100%. My only problem is when peopole start to infringe their beliefs on everybody else. People saying what everyone else thinks is "fun" or "cheating". I was one of the people who yelled about that guy complaining about attacking workers. But my problem was when he said it "wasnt fun", and "cheap". Nobody should make judgements like that. State your own opinion, dont try to speak on everybody elses behalf. Nobody should judge what is "cheap".

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Guest GL_Raptor

Very true. People should probably avoid calling things cheap or saying they aren't fun. Not finding them fun themselves is fine. On the other hand you could just reply saying that you don't think it's cheap, rather than telling him he's wrong (not saying that you did, I would have to go back and read the thread again :)


btw, porkins, sorry about my last couple rush posts. I was a little heated up about the subject. Played a guy who rushed and quit when it failed :( *I just ignored my own plea to stay on topic. oops*

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Guest WC_heavyarms

I have said this on many forums, and said the truth. I hate people that say this just sucks, or complain about other people expressing the opinions. No names will be mentioned to hurt anyone. That is all, Good night, peace out, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms

I have said this on many forums, and said the truth. I hate people that say this just sucks, or complain about other people expressing the opinions. No names will be mentioned to hurt anyone. That is all, Good night, peace out, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!


I totally agree Heavyarms, however unfortunately, most people tend to not only express their own opinions, but they try to make their opinions EVERYONE elses

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Guest Admiral Thrawn

Sometimes in both cases they are wrong. The poster is wrong for trying to force his opinion on the responder, and the responder gets upset and tries to force his opinion on the poster.


So who is right?

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