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Civ Specific Strat and army talk....


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The farther your space port is away from the other allies the more nova you get back from cargo ships. normally i have about 15 of the and they return with 14 - 17 nova every cargo ship so it keeps nova coming in really when you have mined it all or are massing huge armies. if you build your space ports right next to each others you won't get anything for traders.

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Guest Destroyer Droid

18 mins 31 workers is heaps. You wont be strapped for cash if you know how to manage yourself. And i'd say you should build at least 120 workers.

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With the Trade Federation, I use 1 to 2 groups of 3 to 5 Heavy Anti-Air troopers for mobile air defense. I combine them with Shield generators.


A strat I have used somewhat effectively (only on tech 4, however), is to put up a phony airforce to draw the enemy's anti-aircraft fire, then sneak an air frigate with a couple of pummels aboard behind enemy lines. Make micemeat out of a building (or perhaps two, if they're not paying attention) and then mount a ground attack with fast strike mechs, destroyer droids, or whatever I'm focusing on at the time. A lot of people don't use pummels, but an air transport makes them extremely deadly. Sometimes you can cut down two buildings before the enemy even notices you. You can almost always get at least one.

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