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Help! Screwy swamp clock?!?


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In ACT I on Lucre: I have the clock and the directions. The clock shows 2:45 and I go W (as per directions). In next frame, clock shows 1:20 and I go S (as per directions). I end up in a frame where I am behind an iron-bar fence with a gate. The clock shows a time that is not on my directions (e.g. 1:35). I cannot open (or otherwise interact with) the gate. Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?

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Nope. I have downloaded and installed the patch. Tomorrow, I will reload from the very beginning of Lucre Island (what a pain) and see if I can't get the computer to generate a different set of instructions.


I assume that I'm at the right gate. A silver iron-bar fence with a gate situated in the center. Each of the two gate posts has a face and a large plate is affixed to the gate itself. When I get near the gate, the text "Open Gate" is offered. When I accept, I am told that the gate is locked. I've approached this gate from all four compass points (including front and rear) and no other interaction is allowed.


If I have no luck tomorrow, I guess I'll have to call LucasArts on Monday.


Thanks again for your help.

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Yes, I've got the clock and have put it on the raft. I have the clock display at the lower-right corner of my screen and a

compass at the upper left.


I just got through replaying all of Lucre Island. Dave has given me four names so far (Bobo M. Onke, Yahooie P. Everywhere, Winky S. Noodleman and Bobby D, Fisher). All four names resulted in exactly the same instructions:


12:10W 2:30W

12:25E 2:45W

1:20S 2:55W

2:00W 3:00S


When I start off, the clock ALWAYS shows 2:45 and I go W. In the next frame, there is a half-sunken rowboat and the clock shows 1:20. There are two places where I can go S: far right or far left. Either way, I end up behind the iron-bar fence with the gate in the middle. I cannot open the gate because it's locked and no other interaction is allowed.


I have approached this gate from the rear and from the front; from the left and the right. NOBODY SHOWS UP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the directions and the clock. I start at the swamp with the clock stating 4:05.

My directions that I got from DeadEye are as such:


12:10N 2:45E

1:00N 3:20E

1:10E 3:35S

1:45E 4:05N


These don't match the quardiants that have been stated in this forum. Do they change

game? I'm having a devil of a time navigating it. I don't seem to be able to follow them

more than 2 at time. In other words. . . I get 12:10N then 1:00N but I get all screwed

up after that. Any help. I go to 12:10 N then try for 2:45E but can't find it????


Any help Please!!!:p

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The times and directions are randomized. Follow the directions on your sheet. Your starting time is 4:05, so go north like it says. The instructions aren't in order, it's simply whatever corresponds with the time in the screen. You don't "try" for a time, you deal with what's given to you when you enter the next screen.



1) 1:00, go north a screen.

2) 4:05, go north

3) 1:10, go east

4) 12:10, go north


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