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First Impressions of Obi-Wan

General Nilaar

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I got Obi-Wan for Christmas and I think it's pretty damn good. You really feel like a Jedi running around swinging your light saber and using your force powers. Obi-Wan does a much better job of this than Jedi Knight for the PC. Using the right thumbstick you can control where you swing the ligtsaber or try to block a blow or blaster shot. You can throw your saber at enemies or force push them away from you (especially fun when they're close to a ledge).


You can also use the Force to throw objects at enemies, jump higher than usual, or slow everything down around you so that you can more readily control every swing of your blade (this last really uses up your force bar though).


The graphics are actually pretty good, not up to the level of Halo, but still pretty decent. Sound and music is great as it usually is for a LucasArts Star Wars game.


Multi-Player is fun, though more of an added bonus than a reason to buy the game on it's own. There isn't enough levels, and they are for the most part simple arenas, but it can still be fun to sit back with a friend and duel it out with members of the Jedi Council;)


The single player game is fun, with a good variety of interesting levels. They aren't quite as long as the ones in Jedi Knight, and like many console games it could be a bit longer in length. But what is there is fun, and there's some replayability if you want to unlock more Jedi and arenas for the multi-player part of the game.


At the very least it is worth a rent, and for those who like 3d action/adventure games or just the Star Wars universe in general I think it would be a great game to buy.


Now if they would just make a similar game from Darth Maul's point of view....;)

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