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Hidden Buildings

Guest Bobio

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I was playing a game with some guy from AU today. I found a problem with enemy buidings that are blocked from view. Now, this wouldn't have been a problem, except the building that I couldn't see was a power core. The story is that I dropped some pummels in. I killed the first 2 of his power cores easy. The third one was behind two fortresses, and blocked from my view. The only way to see it was to kill a shielded fortress, not an easy thing to do. I managed to do it by distracting him with an attack on the other side of his forward base. Eventually, the fortress came down, and I discovered the last power core. Without taking out that last power core, his shields were still hip, amking it very hard to attack the base. When a building is behind another one like that, ervyone should be able ot see it, including the enemy :eek:

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Guest dlayers

There is a similar problem if you have a massive amount of Fighters attacking something.


You can't click on units UNDER them without clicking on a fighter.


(only game this was a problem was a cheat game when I created like 50 fighters to attack a base :) )


Need some sort of 'transparancy' setting.

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How a having buildings that are behind another building have an outline similar to how units are represented by an outline when behind a building.

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