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Newbie needing help with Multiplayer Team editing


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Hi all,


I am trying to create a map for my buddy and I to play as a team (coop) vs a tough Empire Computer opponent.


We've been playing the pregenerated maps, but the starting locations always seem to scatter he and I over the map (even with Team together selected) and we wish to start side by side.


First, is there a way to force it to place us side by side for the normal maps?



Secondly, I am creating a new map and placing us side by side. I;ve created all the terrain & resources etc...but am struggling with teh AI. I can't seem to get it right so taht the Computer not only builds a base, but also continually assaults like it does under hardest settings in normal games.


Can I copy and paste the computer AI from those pregenerated maps into mine somehow? Or does anyone know where to get precreated AI script that I can drop into my map and force it to build and attack us?


Thanks everyone for your help




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