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SC/BW Robotech total conversion

Guest Cup_A_Jabba

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Guest Cup_A_Jabba

If anyone has Sc or Bw and enjoys Robotech, check this out


Well, R5final is out and it changed a lot! Some things that they changed, is a lot more units and a proper tech tree for the robotech masters (protoss). Just to let everyone know, theres a lot less cloak detectors if you haven't noticed. the detectors currently are now:



cats eye recon plane (science vessel)

shadow emitter (hero science vessel)

and all structures except supply depots and MACII Destroids (missile turrets) thats all for REF, now for invid



High-Regis minion (defiler)

Gosu Royal Command Battloid (devourer)

those are ALL for units, now for their buildings! Living computers and all upgrades (i.e. hatchery, lair, hive,) Protoculture farms (morphing overmind), which is VERY cool, because now they can take the minerals and protoculture (vespene gas) straight to their farm. the REF can do this as well via supply depots. Genesis Pit (queens nest) high-regis temple (defiler mound) Reflex point (overmind) and bio-scanner (cerebrate) so u can see that the change of detectors will greatly influence the game even more! now for masters


robotech masters

Bioroids(high templar)

Bioroid Skysled (corsairs)

Cyclops Recon Unit (observer)

bioroid assault carriers (carrier)


ALL buuildings ARE detectors except photon cannons and shield batteries. so they have changed it a lot. Also a lot of the units has changed as well, such as devourers now fire gemini missiles and can attack both air and ground. and also "guardians" fire yamato blasts! so this isnt just a simple name change of the units. this is a TOTAL CONVERSION! It's not perfect but, they still are coming up with new patches ALL the time. I really think you guys would like it if you have SC/BW and plus, there is a multi player mode, so you can play with all the great designers/testers and me =).

So either im me at Cup_A_Jabba@hotmail.com for further instructions on how to initialize it or get started for multi-player. Anyways leave a post if you think you might get it or not, and some suggestions that you have for it! and to visit the official forums of the designers and testers, here is the link, http://pub66.ezboard.com/bskullsquadron83041 drop by them and give them your 2 cents. do you love it hate it? let them knowso that they can fix it in the coming patches. the link to download the mod is at http://www.skullsquadron.com!

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