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Help Please with Monkey Kombat


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I have a question that might help me get past monkey combat that I need help with. I have wrote down what moves defeats the different moves, but I am having problem with how I can change the stances that Guybrush is in. Can someone help with that?? How I can get into different stances?



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)Well, to change from one stance to another you have to say the 'code'. Like, changing from ChargingChimp to AnxiousApe is like Ack chee eek or something. That does not mean that Gimpy Gibon to AA is also Ack chee eek. And If you do ack oop chee to change stances, it is the same if you want to change back. Just look at how the monkeys do it and you will soon learn. (Or do what I did and write it down.:p)


PS Cheers, my 100th post!

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