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blue I'm stuck in the diving competition against marco de pollo. I get 10 from the grouchy and the hippie-judges but my splashes are to big says the wise judge! I have used the chewed cake with the baby-seal oil but from there i'm lost! I've tried to take it, put more stuf into it etc. but nothing happens... and marco doesn't seem to care about it. Before the contest I always drink the groggocino to... I'm totally stucked and I couldn't find any help in any of the threads concerning the topic :(


So if anybody could help me get through this I would be glad :D

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I haven't been on knuttin atoll. How do I get there? I. Cheese is fixing the ship and Carla is drinking... I've down to the beach but not much happened there either. I'm aware of the pirates that have the bronze-hat but I thought that would come after the diving-competition...

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