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If you could create a game...


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I know visual basic also, it isn't very good. I started a Yoda game, but the dark jedi dosn't coperate very well. (He Won't Blow up!) Its harder than it looks, but i'm only 13 and plan on working for lucasarts someday.


Maybe, I can Hope!




P.S. Thanks hannibalscipio i didn't think someone would like it, its not very revelutionary.

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When I'm a senior in High School I'll have to get an internship somewhere.. If there were any gaming companies in this godforsaken city I would choose one..


I say use a better language than VB.. Use C++ or something

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I'd say chances are slim... I mean there are MANY gaming companies out there. But I'm not your father, so I can't crush your desires...


I've been refining my Fantasy RTS idea some.. I added 3 races (Elves and Dwarves) Elves can use White and Shaman magic, while the Dwarves, who are mostly a battle race, can choose Shaman and Black magic. The third race I added was the Shaman magic only Astrial Planers (Couldn't think of a better name)

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I know VB, Java, C/C++, SML, some XML. I am currently making a game right now, as part of a school project. Its based off of the UT engine, so its being written in UnRealScript (which is kinda like Java). The plan on what exactly will be in the game is still under development, but we do know its going to be cool (or at least fun to make). :D

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