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Only a week left...

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Hey chaps/chappettes,


Just one week to go now before the Official UK Scenario Contest closes. Closing date is Feb 15th. If you need a run down on the rules, or to view the prize ( Signed GB Screenart) visit my website





All Scenarios will be sent to Lucasarts/Activision on Feb 16th - so I can't delay sending them in. If you have a Scenario/Campaign, email it over to me and I will enter it.


Remember, PC Gamer UK will feature some EXCLUSIVE Scenarios from my website for the next 6 months - fancy seeing your name on their Cover Mount CD? Send in your Scenario!





relaunch coming this weekend <<

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Even if the contest ends, some Scenarios could still make it onto the Cover CD of PC Gamer (UK edition) for thousands of others to play!!


I will be providing them with Scenarios for the next 6 months or so.




Scenarios - Strats - Information - Ladders

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