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Outcast for game of the year?

Kodaichi Kuno

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Originally posted by Broode



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As for U2 or UT2, which seem to be sweeping a lot of peoples votes, don't judge it by the fact it has a revolutionary engine and vehicles. Tribes, Tribes 2, Halo, Renegade etc all had vehicles before UT2 and i never saw any of them get GOTY.


As for graphics winning GOTY, I give you three examples. Half-Life (Quake 1 engine), Jedi Knight (i think it was the Build engine, not sure), and Deus Ex (Unreal). All sub-par graphics for their time, all GOTY in some way, shape of form. (exacly who are we baseing history of GOTY off anyway? Gamespy? pah.)


As for my vote on GOTY, I think a completely unexpected game, like Half-Life or Deus Ex, will come and blow everyone away. Then, I'll dig this old thread up and rub it all in your faces.





first of all, i am basing my speculation of an unreal game winning goty because of the game's huge following...not only did it develop a following with no storyline whatsoever in ut, but it won goty with DIRECT COMPETITION to Q3....which is the frickin engine that jko is based on...gee....lets think about that one for a moment...ut got goty because it had gameplay that people enjoyed, and they had enjoyed the quasi-previous game in the series (ut was unreal's bastard child heh)....and the graphics were great, and the multiplayer offered huge loads of options...i mean TONS of options...btw, half life wasnt exactly 'unexpected', and deus ex is based on a build of the U engine you idiot....



the following is from




[Naturally, a great number of old characters and organizations will be returning in Deus Ex 2.


Underwater patrolling octopus unit, that's what they call it.

As promised by the developers (explicitly, by the lead designer Harvey Smith) the game will be using a highly modified version of the original Deus Ex engine. More specifically, the game will be powered by the next-generation Unreal Engine technology.


Recently, we were contacted by one of their Public Relation managers at Eidos and he revealed that the game is on schedule to hit the market in Spring 2003!


Sadly, we have no info regarding the multiplayer option yet, although that doesn't mean the developers won't have multiplay in place by 2003. In all honesty, you shouldn't expect too much from the multiplayer feature, since the emphasis of gameplay remains fixed on the single-player experience.]


if you were referring to deus ex 2, i highly doubt that it will take goty from u2 or ut2, and if it did, its still an unreal engine game =)


in short, i am basing my vote on emperical data not only from past gotys, but from the goty that ut won in competition to q3...with NO direct competition for graphics or gameplay, ut2 or u2 is an easy choice =)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Well Star Trek and Star Wars are HUGELY popular franchises, the world-over, that much is undeniable. True, not EVERYONE likes them and not everyone likes them to the extreme degree as some of the fans of those franchises.


However, to limit the notion of "sci fi" to just Star Trek and Star Wars will come as quite a shock (and insult) the fans of the vast body of sci fi inspired stuff out there.


And you have to admit, it's true, that some non-Star Wars fans like some Star Wars games, and some fans don't like some games based on the theme, etc. it all depends. Some people are fans who will get anything with the name on it, others are pickier.


But Doom for example... sci fi... you're going to Mars to fight aliens, that's it in a nutshell.


Soldier of Fortune I wouldn't count as science fiction, but System Shock series, and Deus Ex, Half Life, and Unreal... all Sci Fi.


And not just FPS games are full of sci fi influences.... games like StarCraft and Alpha Centuri ring a bell? Now I wouldn't count something like Diablo, that's more "fantasy" (which tends to dominate the RPG department). A game like Street Fighter I wouldn't consider Sci Fi (more like martial arts).


Basically, if the game follows a plot or theme akin to something you'd see on the sci fi channel, chances are good you could consider it science fiction.


The genre might be hard to define for some (but they know it when they see it) but here's one definition (courtesy of dictionary.com):



True. As said almost everything counts as Sci-Fi when you really look at the words meaning.


That's probably why computer/console games are specified with FPS, RPG, Adventure and other things instead.


The real point in my first post wasn't to arguement about the Sci-Fi sort of games being GotY but bringing up the thought that I don't think that JK2:JO will be appriciated by enough ppl to be GotY. As CaptainRAVE's statement; "Actually these days it seems to be determined on how well they sell" rings quite true, I don't think JK2:JO will be recieved by the masses as good as for example Max Payne witch is an easy piece of pie to swallow for ppl who don't bother or are to lazy to play a game with a bogus Sci-Fi world with organizations called "The Empire" and "The Rebels".


For example Homeworld got to be USPCG's GotY but it didn't sell very well so that was like the only magazine giving it that award. Almost every other magazine gave Q3,UT or R6:RS the award...

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If you played Tribes 2 competitively, please raise your hand.


/me raises hand.


As I understand it, ut2 will incorporate vehicles and CTF with bases that are far apart. To me, this sounds like Tribes 2 without jetpacks or skiing. Aside from that, I hadn't heard of anything new or innovative coming from the ut2 game. It sounds like it won't be good. I thought ut was slow, and I can't imagine CTF without the speed and mobility of T1.


Game of they year? As someone said earlier, we are 3 months into the year. Who knows what the rest of the year holds? We do know this: Gaming magazines give whatever awards out to the companies that pay the most for them. We'd all be naiive to think the games were assessed without any sort of influence from outside companies.

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Originally posted by P129


True. As said almost everything counts as Sci-Fi when you really look at the words meaning.


That's probably why computer/console games are specified with FPS, RPG, Adventure and other things instead.


The real point in my first post wasn't to arguement about the Sci-Fi sort of games being GotY but bringing up the thought that I don't think that JK2:JO will be appriciated by enough ppl to be GotY. As CaptainRAVE's statement; "Actually these days it seems to be determined on how well they sell" rings quite true, I don't think JK2:JO will be recieved by the masses as good as for example Max Payne witch is an easy piece of pie to swallow for ppl who don't bother or are to lazy to play a game with a bogus Sci-Fi world with organizations called "The Empire" and "The Rebels".



For example Homeworld got to be USPCG's GotY but it didn't sell very well so that was like the only magazine giving it that award. Almost every other magazine gave Q3,UT or R6:RS the award...



I have to disagree, if the game is as good as it appears it well sell well. First off do star wars games sell well? Yes wasnt starfighter the first playstation 2 game to make it to number one on the video game charts. How about First Person Shooters. MOH:AA continues to be the number one selling pc game in the nation(it also happens to be using the same Quake 3 engine has outcast) and Halo is hanging out at #5 on the console game charts. The thing that may hurt JK2: Outcast as goty is the short development time. And the reason for that is probably based on the budget Lucas Arts worked out with Raven to make the game.

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Originally posted by TimTheEnchanter



I have to disagree, if the game is as good as it appears it well sell well. First off do star wars games sell well? Yes wasnt starfighter the first playstation 2 game to make it to number one on the video game charts. How about First Person Shooters. MOH:AA continues to be the number one selling pc game in the nation(it also happens to be using the same Quake 3 engine has outcast) and Halo is hanging out at #5 on the console game charts. The thing that may hurt JK2: Outcast as goty is the short development time. And the reason for that is probably based on the budget Lucas Arts worked out with Raven to make the game.


I'm not sure about what you are disagreeing to in my post. Many games are brilliant but don't sell very well. For example: Homeworld, System Shock 2, Deus Ex (sure it sold good but not Q3 good...), Thief, Shogun etc.


And sure MoH:AA sells well and Halo to, I have never said anything about them.


And Star Wars games have not sold very well in comparison with how many SW titels that are released. SW:Rebellion, SW:Force Commander, SW:Galactic Battlegrounds, SW:Chess (:p), SW:Shadows of the Empire, SW:Monopoly so on never sold very blockbuster high. Hell, JK didn't sell as much as Q2 (understandable but I'm just comparing).


And btw, why would a short development time have any sort of impact on how they choose a GotY?

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Originally posted by Obi

Jedi Knight was GotY and it was based on Star Wars. It can happen again.


That brings us to another point witch I have been wondering and pondering about as well, who declares the GotY? No single gaming magazine could do it alone but some extreme cases like H-L where everyone agreed.

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Originally posted by P129


I'm not sure about what you are disagreeing to in my post. Many games are brilliant but don't sell very well. For example: Homeworld, System Shock 2, Deus Ex (sure it sold good but not Q3 good...), Thief, Shogun etc.


And sure MoH:AA sells well and Halo to, I have never said anything about them.


And Star Wars games have not sold very well in comparison with how many SW titels that are released. SW:Rebellion, SW:Force Commander, SW:Galactic Battlegrounds, SW:Chess (:p), SW:Shadows of the Empire, SW:Monopoly so on never sold very blockbuster high. Hell, JK didn't sell as much as Q2 (understandable but I'm just comparing).


And btw, why would a short development time have any sort of impact on how they choose a GotY?


Several of the star wars games you mentioned as not selling well recieved pretty poor reviews from the media(rebellion, force commander, and shadow of the empire) so its no suprise they sold poor. I didnt think chess and monopoly computer games sold well regardless of whether there star wars or anything else.


The point I was trying to make is that JK2, isnt just being made for the hardcore fans of anything Star Wars, but also is being made for the first-person shooter crowd, the same crowd buying MOH:AA and keeping it at number 1 Of course the reviews the game gets will also affect sales but I have a feeling that the large majority will be good.


I think the short development time hurts the game of the year chances cause if you read the pc gamer uk review they say its a good game but could have used another month of development time.

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Originally posted by TimTheEnchanter

The point I was trying to make is that JK2, isnt just being made for the hardcore fans of anything Star Wars, but also is being made for the first-person shooter crowd, the same crowd buying MOH:AA and keeping it at number 1 Of course the reviews the game gets will also affect sales but I have a feeling that the large majority will be good.


I think the short development time hurts the game of the year chances cause if you read the pc gamer uk review they say its a good game but could have used another month of development time.


Surely ppl like MoH:AA because it's getting good reviews but also because almost everyone can play it without having to know anything about WW2, while ppl that haven't heard or seen anything about Star Wars would have a hard time adapting to "The Force" and other things that probably won't be explained in the game and makes the game confusing.


And yes UK PCG mentioned that it could have used another month of developement time and it has. What I meant was if the game was released and was very well balanced and only got one patch but had been in like 1 years developement it wouldn't matter. When meaning short development time I meant just short development time, I never mentioned anything about realeasing a buggy game.

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