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What happens to the E3 demo level!?


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I think i read they weren't putting that in the final game, sounds like such a waste!


Any way we will still get that level?


Im thinking here, maybe they should put it in the demo!

Of course they may have already figured that out themselves :D


Even if it wont be (in) the demo, I still hope there'll be some way for us to get it and run it in the final game, cause it seemed like my "wet dream hack and slash storm troopers with saber level "


Just my two euro cents

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

no thats not what i said... not that demo with that then existing engine and features...


the most recent "build" but with that level and "mission"


I think it would be a waste if they just dumped that whole imperial base into the trash can!


And who says it's actually a whole imperial base? The only parts we know they really built are the parts we saw. As far as we know, every door that Kyle doesn't go through in that video could be just painted onto the wall.

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