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There's nothing like a Blaster by your side Kid


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You know whats gonna be great about this game. Sniping Jedi Players when they are having duels in the middle of a level. After watching the Teaser Trailer and thinking about Multiplayer there is no question that there are gonna be many styles to this game which is gonna be great, and just like the 1st JK if your a lightside Jedi Knight with a with a high powered gun then you end up being the most alert kind of player. Defend yourself and keep your enemies at a distance. There's a reason why all the Jedi got (and soon to be seen) Wiped out in George Lucas' Epic. Jedi's don't keep their distance. If this game has the feartures and balance of JK then if your Darkside and prefer your saber your as good as dead. I hope they can balance it for Multi a little bit better "Force Absorb" was the Key to JK but with a power like that both sides you get it cause then you'd beable to keep your guns when people try to Force PULL. On the other hand if they remove Force Absorb alltogether then that would leave gunners with a disadvantage in close combat. which then gunners would end up into retreating to sniper positions which would affect people who want to Deul for their kills.


What do you think about Force Absorb being for both light and Dark or being removed from the mutli aspect altogether????


In my opinion they should have it for both then there would be a very interesting aspect to run and gun games without having 1 side having the advantage,,, and for saber duals .. they can be done in saber only maps


What do you guys think?:fett:

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I believe it was said before that absorb would be one of the extra multiplayer only powers. Since it's multiplayer only, that would mean that it would have to be light or dark. So...probably only light. Also, you are going to have a lot of enemies if you make a habit of sniping people in the middle of their lightsaber duel. :)


I personally hope absorb does not work the same way. I thought it was too powerful before. Granted grip was still effective (though annoying), but I think absorb just stayed activated too long. It should have a shorter duration in JK:O if it is indeed going to be put in.

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Dude, saber combat in this game is gonna look so f*cking cool you'll be too awed to even dare pull that trigger... You just wanna watch the movie!!!!



At least thats what i hope, and from the signals we're getting, it may not even be that far from the truth



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Now there's a question for ya.... in Multiplayer will we have Dark, Light, and Neutral force powers, and will they have the same associations as before?


I mean I wouldn't expect Grip to be a Light Side power, but how do you classify stuff like Push, Speed, Saber Throw, etc?


Or is it possible that some powers could overlap between the Dark and Light? Like a Dark Jedi's grip could be more powerful and a Light Jedi's healing could be stronger, but both types would have each power?


Probably not, but it's an idea... (and a possible mod)

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If someone is trying to snipe me or my opponent down while we are still dueling, we are gonna team up and kill that fellow together. Then we continue our duel. :D It was nice to hear that Stormies or other enemies aren't going to shoot Kyle when he is dueling againts saber wielding enemy in SP; if they did so, they might hit his opponent instead.

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

If someone is trying to snipe me or my opponent down while we are still dueling, we are gonna team up and kill that fellow together. Then we continue our duel. :D It was nice to hear that Stormies or other enemies aren't going to shoot Kyle when he is dueling againts saber wielding enemy in SP; if they did so, they might hit his opponent instead.


In ANH the stormies didn't shoot Obi-Wan when he was dueling with Vader. Maybe its the same idea.

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Actually that's exactly the idea. When this was first introduced they used that exact duel as an example.


Also it was said that there would be "some form of force sense" implemented into the game. I wonder if this means if someone snipes you from behind a box you will know to jump out of the way. Maybe Kyle will jump out of the way for you. Maybe he will turn to deflect the shot. The only thing is, wouldn't that make a Jedi too powerful? Maybe there is an indicator to tell you that you are being aimed at...no I bet that would get annoying. I'm excited about this "form of force sense" thing! :D

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Sniping a Jedi in the middle of a duel would probably get everyone else on the server(including teamates) to hunt you down and repeatedly kill you until you quit, and rightfully so.


I think you've got a good idea, Kurgan. That everyone can use all the force powers but they are still sided. So a Light Jedi's Force Grip is weak but his Heal is strong - Or a Dark Jedi's Force Grip is strong but his heal is weak. It will be interesting to know how they handled it. Any way they do it will be fine with me.

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Also it was said that there would be "some form of force sense" implemented into the game. I wonder if this means if someone snipes you from behind a box you will know to jump out of the way. Maybe Kyle will jump out of the way for you. Maybe he will turn to deflect the shot. The only thing is, wouldn't that make a Jedi too powerful? Maybe there is an indicator to tell you that you are being aimed at...no I bet that would get annoying. I'm excited about this "form of force sense" thing!

That indicator might work much better. It wouldn't have to lock into exact sniper, but only show the direction where he/she is. After that you could quickly move away from his/her sight(indicator disappears) or deflect incoming blaster bolt, if you have enough time to spot him/her.

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Cant wait for it


The stormies will stop and watch and see how i gloriously defeat their saber wielding fellow agents of evil, and being so awed by my fantastic use of the saber against their friends, theyll just stand still and let them selves get chopped up when i've finished with their saber buddies, too awed to defend themselves



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When I usually play a FPS, I tend to take the roll of a sniper. But I would never knock of a jedi who is dueling. If it was teams, I'd sit and watch and if my teammate lost, oh wait, I'm insurance. I have nothing against a little revenge. And besides, it'd be a bit of a pain for the oppenent because they don't know if I'm watching with my crosshair on their head or not. Plus it would be fun to see what kind of reaction I'd get. But besides maybe joining my comrade with a saber of my own, I doubt I'd interfere in two dueling fates.

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