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oooooh LUKEY!


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Hmmm....Kyle would lose in a straight jedi battle I think, but no-holds-barred all out fighting? Kyle's got those mercenary skills to back him up. Plus some cool wall jumps. :D


But really, Kyle is much more diverse than Luke is. Luke excells in what he does (LS LS: light side light saber :) ), but Kyle does everything. And none of Kyle's accomplishments are exactly minor. Singlehandedly (okay, doublehandedly. Jan helped.) tracked down and destroyed the lone ISD pumping out the Empires newest toy? Doublehandedly took out Jerec (again, after beating through all his cronies)? And what about stealing the Death Star plans (I love the fact that he's part of the bothan spynet :D )? Forget about how easy the level was in the game, that couldn't have been easy. What did Luke do? Blew up the Death Star with Kyle's plans and a couple of squadrons escort (so to speak), "sensed a disturbance in the force", and convinced Vader to help him out out of pity. :D


Now don't get me wrong, Luke's a pretty darn impressive, and I think he would win a 1 on 1 saber fight (unless he had JKesque AI :D ), but Kyle's got a much more impressive resumee.

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Of course we care, it's something to waste the time before we get the game bud! :D


I agree to an extent with what your saying Star, although I've kind of gotten into the EU stuff lately and I was taking that into account. So I was considering Jedi Master Luke versus Kyle right after MOTS, where we know for certain of each ones abilities with the force. From that perspective I think it would be one hell of a saber duel, with possibly Kyle having the edge, but in terms of the more powerful Jedi I still have to go with Luke.

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If Luke was more powerful, or even AS powerful, as Vader, and Vader had that impossibly powerful presence in the Force, I'd say he's the best there is, was, or ever will be, and I think that was the point. Luke is a titan of the Force, and Kyle is perhaps as strong or slightly stronger in the Force as an average Jedi before the Clone Wars.


I think that Kyle's mixed bag of abilities in the Force may make him more interesting and more fun to play, but in reality it would make him that much less effective against the trained, experienced, and fully focused Jedi Master Luke.


As for the Mara/Jan debate... well, gimme a couple of hours in a room with each and I'll tell you which one's hotter :D I'll actually only need an hour with each if it's a small room, since it wouln't take as long to catch them... :xizor:

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i think i would pick exar over darth any day.....



and luke would own kyle in sabz AND force...omg do you know how many d00ds jedi MASTER luke has trained?


kyle would need some uh...well lets just say that kyle would be feeling it if he faced luke


hehe im not going to say anything more than that...

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haha, i know its a little late to bring this back up... but i just have to.


Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Well Yoda was 900 years old and didnt looked that age...


haha, are you kidding me?! is your vision totally askiew that you don't see YODA as an old fogie? he SO looks 900 years old! and you know what else? before EPISODE I came out i was looking forward to seeing what YODA would look like back in the day... but oh, as luck would have it, HE LOOKED EXACTLY THE SAME.


and to whoever said that YODA didn't have a beard, well that, my friend is very simple to explain. YODA is one of those guys who can't grow a lot of facial hair. but hey, he has that funky old-man hair growing out of his ears so that makes it all up.


point is, LUKE doesn't look a day older than he did in JEDI. and that kind of bugs me, seeing as our pal KYLE already has wrinkles in his forhead and a full on beard... and isn't this supposed to be like around 15 years after JEDI?

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