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Screens: nobody cares...


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Originally posted by Graphicsgod

Um *cough* click *cough* :D.


Yeah, I knew it. Nice picture, but not real. :(


I'm sure 3rd POV will be more beautiful, but I am for immersion and 1st POV is the best way to feel inside the game IMHO. I will definetly play always in 1st POV, even if using the sabre is more difficult. I want to be a good player using "my own eyes" and "my own hands". I play primarly to enjoy.


So, please LEC/Raven, show use such pictures!

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Has anyone read the FAQs?! I think this should answer your questions,


Is this a first person or third person game?

Tricky. Jedi Knight supported both first person and third person modes in game. With Jedi Knight II, Raven has implemented a new feature that automatically switches you to third person mode when you activate your saber. So to answer the question, Jedi Knight II is basically classified as a first person shooter with the option of third person mode.


As for the first person forces, I have no clue why there are not any but I can't wait to see one.:p


Graphicsgod, you might want to lighten "Kyle's" hand a touch:)

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Who wrote that FAQ? That view switching feature is new to the Q3 engine, if that's what it meant, but its hardly the first time this has happened. We all know that JK had this.


Sorry, maybe I'm nitpicking a bit much today. I'm a bit under the weather, and it's putting me in a mood... :barf: Ever since I started my job about nine months ago, I've been sick more times than I have been in my life before. I've lost my voice now, but my fingers are still working.

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