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Recorded Game Of The Week

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Whilst we are preparing the new look Galacticbattles.com, we are about to hold a 'Recorded Game of The Week' as suggested by someone in the Forums.


The game can be either against a rival or the computer - we want to see some hot action in your battles. Did you manage to hold off a rush? Comeback from the dead to win? Gather the forces of evil and use Jedis to destroy your enemy?


We want to see them all!

The winner will see their name in lights on our website and our most favourite game will win a prize at the end of the competition (some time in May)


When sending in your game, please include your Name and any details about the game in a Readme file, using Winzip.

Please send in your recorded games to:



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