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Stop Pulling The Game Down


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i have seen a lot names that have pulled this game down how do they know what it is like when the have not played the game have they seen the trailers. i love the way they make the troopers fly a cross the room and when you kill them you did not see that in jedi knight

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Originally posted by JEDI OUTCAST

i have seen a lot names that have pulled this game down how do they know what it is like when the have not played the game have they seen the trailers. i love the way they make the troopers fly a cross the room and when you kill them you did not see that in jedi knight

If you like the batsaber say it in the thread about it (looks cool?...)

There is no reason to start another thread


And no one is pulling the game down, everyone says what he likes and what he doesnt

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Not that I should care about what other people think.. since it's just a game.. and games are for fun and hobbies, but anyway...


I'm more "offended" (If you could call it that) at all the people disparaging and draging down JK/MotS (calling it skill-less, boring, cheap, cheesy, hopelessly unbalanced, etc) than those expressing their misgivings about JK2.


JK has been out for several years.. it's already recieved numerous awards, it already has proven itself to be a high quality game, and perhaps the best SW-based PC game EVER.


That some people still complain about it is fine.. there's no accounting for taste.


With JK2's whiners, essentially they can be ignored, since they often can't back up their reasoning, not having even played the danged thing.


Honestly, everybody's got their opinions, and yes, even I have some misgivings about some of the info we've recieved about JK2.


My expectations are pretty high, even though I've tried to keep them in check. You just can't help it when we've had this much hype and when JK2 has this great of an act to top.


But we'll see in about a month, won't we?


Some folks may go back to JK/MotS (or DF), some may not even get the new game, or some may get it and grow bored with it quickly, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...

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Yeah, but on top of all that you've got all the hopeless gimps that have no clue abouts tactics and strategy. Those are the ones that will whine no matter what because all they want to do is walk around shooting at everything with the biggest gun. I was soooooooooo sick of that I had to start a psuedo clan just to fight it. In Elite Force these weenies will complain about anyone that gets the better of them when all they can or will use is the heavy weapons specialist with tons of armour and ammo.


I do hope Raven releases a specialties or class based add-on after the initial release so we can show these people how weak they really are. They're gonna whine in any event though because they will refuse to play the game as intended by the designers and get their butts kicked by skilled players. You'll always have those kind.

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