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Lightsaber Moves & Animations


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We know there are 3 fighting styles with 8 moves each. However, I noticed in both the Lucasarts JK2 trailer and the PC Gamer movie that Kyle does a few seamless combos.


I wonder if all combos are done using the primary attack and different movement keys in sequence, or if you can also keep moving in one single direction pressing the primary attack button resulting in a combo. If you follow what I am saying and that is true, wouldn't it also be true that there may in fact be MANY more attacks than 24? Hear me out.


If you can perform combos using only one direction with primary attack, the second move in the combo would most likely be a new animation for the swing, making the second swing a "new move", wouldn't you think? True, you wouldn't be able to do the move on command, but it would be new nonetheless. Then there is the scenerio of 3 or more hit combos using 1 direction. We have been told that JK2 will have a ton of lightsaber animations, so I don't think this is too far-fetched.


This leads to how many lightsaber moves will there be? Well, for starters we know there will be 24 with 3 fighting styles. Then there are jump attacks, roll attacks, flip attacks, and wall attacks. Another thing I thought of that was in JK, was the attacks Kyle did when he was stationary. There were 2 of them, a left swipe, and a right swipe. I think we have seen Kyle do these 2 attacks in the E3 videos, so we can possibly add 2 more moves to the roster. Combine all of these with my "new move" theory above, and we have ourselves a roster of who knows how many moves.:)


The last thing that's on my mind, is using the fighting style hotkey in lightsaber duels. If you are able to switch fighting styles in a split second, and combine attacks from different fighting styles to perform combos, we will also have ourselves a huge ammount of combos to choose from. It all depends how compatible the moves are with each other.

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We will have to wait and see, but great theory.


However, no matter the style, I would like to see if the enemies had anything to do with the attacks.


Think of it this way: Different aliens have different anatomy, correct? Which means they would die if they were hit in a different spot than a human, maybe. If there is a location-targeted damage system, would it hurt some enemies more than others hitting them in the same spot? For instance: :tessek: &:bossk: . Wouldn't the Quarren be hurt more than a Trandoshan if it was hit in the, say, shoulder?;)


I mean, think about it; if two species got into a brawl and ripped out each other's arm, one species may bleed to death, while the other might grow the limb back.


Just something to think about and hope they considered while programing the game.:D

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From the videos it does seem you can pull off a multitude of different moves and the fight scenes do seem very cinematic. A few people have suggested that LMB will be primary attack and RMB will be the sabre throw. That sounds quite simple but how will you pull off all those moves with the primary attack button?


I'm sure Raven will have made it 'easy to pick up difficult to master'. Anyway the game should be along in less that a month too so we don't have much more time to wait before we find out...



PS - who else feels like going straight to the multiplayer so you can try out that sabre?

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I will be the FIRST ONE IN MULTIPLAYER!!!! YEAHH!!!! ;)


*calms down*


Ahhh yes....umm...where was i...Oh yes. From what i've read, the saber fights in JKII will be movie-like. Personally I hope they're just as fluid as in the movies. Ya know, gracefully moving to attack and counter-attack the opponent's saber swings. THAT would be sweet.


I think JKII will have this and not dissappoint!!

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That is sorta how Raven's Heretic 2 played. With macros and programable controllers or finger dexterity a player could meld two or more attacks together to preform very unique combos.


Players that bladematched would become familiar through their fighting style alone. It took time to master many of the subtlties. Some would learn three or so attacks styles and become a killing machine; others would master all dozen or so moves and fight a very stylish dynamic duel. Heretic 2, in my opion, has had the best fighter style control of any online game thus far - and I've played them all....


One on One deuling in JK2 ought to be insane :D with 20 to 30 base moves and the inclusion of neutral(speed, jump...) force powers.


I dont know the Qradiant level editor but the duel arenas will likely be a very popular user made map style. ( ;) to lvl designers)

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It could be just one attack in the realm of saber fighting.


It probably wont be like a fighter where button combinations are required to pull off a move because in the most recent trailer shows Kyle doing the exact same combo at 1:28 and again right after at about 1:32 (he's fighting 3 guys in red cloaks) so my guess is its just the normal attack performed when ever certain variables are put together (stance, position, direction of movement, if any movement).


Forgot the name of the trailer.. the intro goes: "Nothing is Preordained...To know the Light,...You must see the dark")

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