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Outcast Developers plz read( XBOX)


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That's another thing.. frankly I think Split screen is just plain crap as a substitute to playing over a LAN/'net type setting for multiplayer.


I can accept split screen for maybe 2 player coop (and splitting the screen in half isn't as bad as splitting it four ways), but in DM it's just silly (oh look where Bob's hiding out, haha! *punches Bob's arm* hey!).


Just so you know, Serious Sam had some pretty good graphics and it had split screen AS WELL AS LAN/internet play (coop and vs.). Surely the big powerful Q3 engine could handle that?


Anyway, yes, if they are just out to make money and don't care about the PC market, they can release all their games on console.


But if they want to avoid pissing off the entire PC market, they can make some PC dedicated games and release them first and foremost on the PC, THEN worry about porting after it's all said and done.


I agree with the claim there that it's to try to force gamers to buy a console they don't want, to play games they do. ; p


I have no problem with porting JK2 to consoles, but only after it's had it's final release on the PC and it's not "dumbed down" for a console market beforehand.


Oh, and last I checked there are still FREE ISP's for 'net access, just that they aren't as good as regular ISP's (more frequent disconnections, banner ads, etc).

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Be thankfull that they stole Obi-Wan it got panned a million times.


Originally posted by Tap[RR]

You stole our beloved obiwan -__-; you cannot take our jk2!!! You cant have both!!!! Really though they said it was for pc above all, i highly doubt they'll port this to xbox.. sorry (not really, stole our obiwan! :p )**goes off grumbling and mumbling**:evanpiel:

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Yeah, but I wonder what it would have ended up like if they had not delayed it for an Xbox exclusive...


I imagine that it would either have been better than it was, or it may have been cancelled altogether. I can only speculate that Microsoft offered them more than enough money to recoup the cost of the extended delays.

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Kurgan you do realize that in an xbox lan setup most people almost always play team games and teams play on different tvs so splitscreen is not ....."silly".


Look the bottom line is that most of your concerns valid or not about the game coming out for the xbox would be satisfied I agree if the xbox version came out afterwards(ie worked on after the pc version was done) or if it was(as in the MAJORITY of the cases) ported by A DIFFERENT TEAM. That being said, I personally would wish that if it's going to come out eventually for the xbox I WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!! because I don't want to have to buy BOTH versions!(I have a top-line PC) its just my preference and I don't think that asking for an anouncement now instead of latter is unreasonable.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

That's another thing.. frankly I think Split screen is just plain crap as a substitute to playing over a LAN/'net type setting for multiplayer.


Right on. Why would anyone want to take a game, decrease the graphics, lower the resolution, and divide up the screen so that you can barely tell what is going on?


Setting up a LAN takes maybe 15 minutes (including setting up people's computers - pluging keyboard/mouse/monitor/joystick). If you've done it before, it really is not hard at all to set up. Then everyone has their own monitor (so you cant just look at the other guys screen to see where he is hiding as with split screen, plus you can tell what each blob is, unlike split screen), higher resolution (4-way split screen JKII would be a hell of a lot of rendering, the resolution would have to be pretty low), keyboard and mouse/joystick or gamepad - everyone has the key configuration they like and are used to, plus you are all still in the same room so you'll still have the same fun sitting next to your mates playing games. Plus with a LAN, you can have as many people as your Hub/switch will allow (up to the game's limit, 16 or 32), so you're not limited to only 4 people. The overall experience is a great deal more fun than any console could provide.


Then there's internet multiplayer, enabling you to play alot more people. If you don't have a fast internet connection (like me :) ), then LAN is a great option. Take a weekend, set it up, you'll have a great time.


And then there's mods. How exactly could you play with custom skins/sabers packs on a console? Multiplayer Mods are what make games last.


As long as Jedi Knight II and its expansion (surely there will be one) are released to PC first, you console guys can have it.


PC to console ports usually work out pretty well. Console to PC ports, just doesn't work well.

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One: Halo's multiplayers graphics splitscreen are incredible. So are serious sam's on the PC(hardly any if at all reduction) Do you realize that JK2 pc requirements are quite low and in my estimation the xbox is (sorry If I offend anyone - but I know my stuff) equivalent to a top of the line PC. I know that the cpu isn't tops but it's not used in this console for graphics like the gpu is used in the same sense as for the pc because not everyone has a vid card with any gpu on the pc so pc engines(like q3 have limited gpu support ie not written from the ground up)


that being said even if there were few xbox optimizations made the q3:A engine is getting 200+ fps on fast PC's 200/4 at least 50 fps(I know that's not how it works I've only used this "estimate" for you because this is how sort of appears that you might understand it in case you didn't take into account that it's not that simple for split screen rendering)

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Personally, i think that JK 2 should never go to Xbox. Why??? Because i hate how XBox owners think they own all because they have a system created by Microsoft! Yes i know it has outstanding grapics but that is thanks to NVidia. Also, the Xbox has such a bad controller! If they ever port JK2 they need to port it to both PS2 and Gamecube. Those systems rock! (And their controllers are the best around!) :duel:

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I was never anti-MS, and when I encountered people who were I basically told them to just shut up... and quit hating something just because it's successful and trying to be different and thus "cool"


Well, that's before Gates and his boys messed around with my passion, PC gaming... before the X-Box everything was as it should be naturally.


Console games and the consoles, mostly made in Japan...


PC games... made in the US. For the most part.


They felt the need to come in and screw with things, and not out of a lack of money. They don't need the cash from the video game industry.


But that wasn't really the rub of it, even when they snatched up Halo and New Legends... even then I was willing to buy the damn thing to play them. But when they crossed the line, was when they started sniffing around Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3. Those are HOLY PROPERTIES. And they belong on PC.


Even if the X-Box exclusive stuff was all rumor, and even if the end product is not effected (still uncertain) on the PC... the mere fact that they even TRIED to get it exclusive to them, is enough to set me off entirely Which it did. Now I have taken an oath to never even touch an X-Box controller.


You cannot wield it! None of us can! the Box answers to Gates alone... it has no other master!

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I just got the Xbox Magazine, it had the Knights of The Old Republic. There was a whole big section for it. To tell you the truth...when I saw the pictures of the guy with the lightsaber, it looked awful. The lightsaber in JK2 looks 10 times better on the PC.:p

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