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Acrobatics other than Rolling?


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It's possible that flipping works the way it does in Unreal Tournament, in that it's automatic for your model to flip if you don't fire, but your view doesn't change. I can't really see a reason to make forward flipping an integral part of the game, it works much better as a cool cosmetic effect.

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hi all,


I think it depends if it's a standard jump, in which case Kyle doesn't do anything cool (exept if u call him Lara Croft), but if u Force Jump then he can perform a front flip easily (and break his legs).


Maybe with a high mouse sensibility we'll be able to do some 900° or invent new powers like Force Summon Skateboard and fall on storm troopers in rocket air...


Sorry was just thinking of a total reconversion mod :)




Chateau Dur

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

It's possible that flipping works the way it does in Unreal Tournament, in that it's automatic for your model to flip if you don't fire, but your view doesn't change. I can't really see a reason to make forward flipping an integral part of the game, it works much better as a cool cosmetic effect.


A longer jump maybe?

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Actually in the official trailer the reborn (people with the red cowls and lightsabers) do a lot of acrobatics... there really isn't a word for it, just go watch it and see. What it looks like is some sideways airial (sp?) jumps.


I'm hoping you get to do those as Kyle.

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I know there have been midair attacks mentioned. Something to the effect of when Darth Maul sliced at Qui-Gon while jumping off his speeder while upside down. To do those, we will obviously need acrobatics other than rolling. :cool:

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