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The mod in the sky

Pipe Smoke

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Anyone else find the trend of decreased expectations toward game companies disturbing? I keep hearing "well, we can expect a mod to add this feature shortly"


Maybe I'm alone but I've always pretty well disliked user mods... I mean, typically they just suck.


But even if it's high quality there is a lot to be said for something being part of the game proper.


And knowing that other people don't have to download it... and knowing that... well just, c'mon seriously it is lightyears better to have something actually be part of the game.


Mods are fine and dandy but I'm just saying, the whole attitude of... oh well this can be added later by users... so let's not sweat it. I think it's a dangerous attitude that will only lead to worse games.


And if we send the message to developers and publishers that "oh hey, don't worry about making a full featured game or one that is hack-resistant... because we, the game players... will pick up the slack if you don't"


Maybe it all traces back to my intense hate of cheating/hacking and a corresponding distrust for any and all user-made aspects to a game. I want my stuff official, out of the box... y'know?


Plus what if a decade from now we want to go back and play JK2 for instance, the game will still be there but will the mods still be available? doubtful.


Now, how much of this translates into any sort of specific complaint about JK2 or Raven? not really any... I mean I do have a feeling that we're going to end up disappointed in the number of models/skins available to us during MP... but other than that I'm not saying anything about Raven. I think they are smart enough not to fall into the trap that I've mentioned, of saying "just let the users do it" but a lesser game company could very well fall into that trap so I'm just voicing caution.

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Where are you hearing these game companies saying: "A mod will add this..."


Game companies usually stick to a document which outlines all the features. They're normally not going to drop a feature because a mod is going to improve on that feature unless they run out of money to implement that feature, which I've never heard of happening...

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My whole post was referring to fans, not the companies...


But my caution is that if we create that atmosphere as fans, even if it is a rare thing now, or even perhaps a non-existant thing... eventually it could lead to companies limiting their vision or setting their goals lower because the mod making community is in their thoughts, to pick up the slack. Even if not consciously or they may not discuss that... it will be in the back of their mind.


I'm not discouraging mod-making, I'm just discouraging shooting down every complaint anyone makes about a feature not being there, by saying "oh i'm sure someone will whip it up" because by saying that, it helps nothing. The developers do read boards as we all know, and if they're seeing endless *****ing about a feature not being included, they may cave and add it. Or be less likely to subtract it if it comes to crunch time.


If they see a thread where a complaint starts up but then people shoot it down with the whole "mod" response that i'm referring to... then they'll probably at the very least stay the course, the course that could very well be leading to a feature being cut or not included... and at worst they may get a feeling of "hmm, the fans don't seem like they'd be THAT upset about this being cut"


And so that's what I'm getting at.

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The whole "we can mod it later" I think may be a reaction to disapointment.


For example, I figured that if dismemberment and blood are not present at all in JK2, "somebody will probably mod it later."


In other words.. "I hope they do, and this would make up for my disapointment that it's not going to already be in the game."


I like modding, it's fun, but obviously it can never compare to professional quality material from the game company. Most modders aren't being paid, and aren't on a tight schedule where quality performance on time is key. To the ones that are, they have that much more motivation, and the quality of their work will reflect it.

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