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Invitory, whats with it?


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what is with the invitory:confused: I mean what is the shield power station thing:confused: do you start with just heath and have to get shields in a rare power station:confused: and what is with the 100 shield (or is that a other country thing)(I live in the USA:D ) because in my games it is 200???:confused:


All Knowing Yodas I need your WISDOM!!!

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I don't understand the problem

you chrage your shield up at those things

you played half life? just like that


and what is the problem if it's 100 instead of 200 :confused: It doesn't mean you'll be killed easier, they are just using a 100 points scale to measure shield strength

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but they didn't say that there would be no health/shield pickups (in fact, didn't that audio interview with Brett Tosti mention healthpacks?), just that these Half Life style recharging stations would be in the game.


Personally, I would rather just have the pickups, or the occasional "medical droid" like in JK, but oh well, they wanted to go this route. Map makers will be able to choose what they want to put around.

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I didn't mention that because I'm not sure about it


I just checked the zone


Medpacs need no explanation. Run over them when you need to replenish your health.


nothing about shilelds though

and the inventory page doesn't say "more to come" like the weapons one(there is no Merr Son yet)

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Personal Shield Generators

This belt-mounted device projects a protective field around the wearer. As the shield takes damage, its protective rating is reduced. Once depleted, it deactivates until it is recharged by a power converter or shield pickup (exists in large or small versions). This shield does not protect against falling or crushing damage.


'Nuff said.

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