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release date UK


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Let's hope the "April and May" part of the email was totally bogus. I don't think I can wait until May or until the 2nd week of April. I'll go insane. So insane I'll drive my Mustang into my house! No, not really....but I'm getting there with all these pages of release dates and blah blah stuff

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OMG, I just had a horrible thought - April or May? If the game is taking longer than planned to finish, I hope they don't decide to postpone the release until Episode II gets released. After all, as far as I can tell LEC doesn't have any games lined up for the PC for launch around Episode II, which is unusual. And from a sales point of view, it makes sense to release it then when Star Wars hype is at a peak. I really hope they don't though!:mad:


Mind you, coordination never seems to be that good between game companies and their online shops. Let's hope they got it wrong.

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I won't be surprsied if the release date is pushed back to late April. The fact that they haven't announced the game going gold yet probably means that something new has turned up.


It doesn't really matter for me. If it's released after April 7 I won't be able to play it for several months. Heck even if it's released on April 2 I doubt I'll manage to finish it on time.

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What happened with Black and White Pali? Did it come out in the UK first?


hehe i live near lionhead studios in england too :)

and what happened is that black and white was set for an international release date, everyone expected it to be released on the day or before in the uk because it was made in the uk, but alas it was released in the US first by about 1 and a half weeks if i remember.


hehe, hell, there was even a small war between the americans and the british on the lionhead forums because of this =)

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