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its 2 am for the UK (ppl in rest of europe add time as appropriate) (sucks huh?) i know i have to wait till then too :( some times i wish LEC would give more and better consideration to the people outside of the USA oh wait i forgot they are americans *slaps forhead in realisation as americans dont give a flying **** about the rest of the world

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PST (ie living in California right?) is 8 hours behind GMT which is 1 hour ahead of mainland (western europe). Times are as follows:


LA: 4pm

New York: 7pm

London: Midnight (12am)

Paris/Geneva/Frankfurt: 1am


So in answer to your question, if it's 6pm PST then it's 2am in London and 3am in Western mainland Europe.




Edit: Beat me to it DaAan! ;)

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To stay up or not to stay up? That is the question. Whether it is nobeler to fight through the tiredness and stay up till 2am (uk time) or to download it tomorrow morning while i'm at work.


Sod it. I'm off to bed.

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