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Star wars gamecube game petition


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Originally posted by Artoo

Naughty naughty!:mad:


about the above paragraphs:

the first paragraph is all opinions except for how it took you 400 hours to beat it!:D


You really need to stop posting before you totally expose your fanboy side.:)


A lot of the 2nd paragraph is opinion too except for where you talk about how long it takes to beat FFX. You just can't compare FFX to Zelda. Zelda is an adventuring style, FFX is an old-school RPG style.




Of course, just about everything posted here is opinion, as it is dealing with which one we think is better. The game length thing and the technical stats are not, but everything else has to be, otehrwise this wouldn't be a disscussion.


As for Zelda, i wasn't comparing it to Zelda. If you read it again, i said it was a "far cry from Zelda", meaning that it is totally different, in both length and gameplay style. I was saying that, since they are so different, just because you are good at Zelda doens't mean you are good at Final Fantasy, or Chrono Cross/Trigger, or Legend of Dragoon, or Legend of Mana.



And what are you talking about, "fan boy side." None of the lines in my previous posts were prefabricated "fan boy" lines to my knowledge. Yes, i like ps2 better than GC, so technically i am a fan of the PS2, but no more than you or others are a fan of the GC. It seems to me like the fanboy thing is a way to ignore valid points.

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Jedi Starfighter has just been announced that its going on XBox too. I hope it also goes on Gamecube, maybe even Jedi Knight II. Hey, it could happen!


Zelda has been the primary game that probably most N64, SNES, NES, and soon Gamecube has (including Gameboys). Nintendo's systems are also known for their Star Wars and Star Fox games (ex. Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, Battle For Naboo, Return of the Jedi, Star Wars (basic) and various Star Fox games). Turok has also been with Nintendo for a while (though its going to be on all councels) so, most of the people who has N64 know the experiance.


007 was an awsome game (favorite gun: The Golden Gun) and another game, according to my lil' bro, Golden Sun 2,the sequal to the addictive Golden Sun for GBA, is coming out for GC soon and thats a game i cna't wait to play. truthfully, i see no compitition between PS2, XBox, and GC. as long as the people are happy with the game systems, the more games they'll come out with. give them time.

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First of all, I've never liked Playsation 2, because the controllers are so poorly designed and I stink at the games for that reason. Now they do have so great games like GTA III, GT3, FFX (hopefully coming to GC!), AC2, and MGSII.


Now I like GC, because it suits MY video gaming needs perfecfly. The controller is comforable and easy to use for ME. Is has great games that are out like Smash Brothers Melee, Rogue Squadron II, OO7, Spy Hunter, Sonic Adventure Battle 2, Pikmin, Wave Race, X-treme G III, Luigi's Mansion, SSX Tricky, and Tony Hawk III. It's CHEAP. Zelda, METROID, Perfecf Dark, Mario, Final Fantasy, Star Fox and MUCH MUCH more are coming out.

BTW, GC is not a kiddie system.


What I'm saying is PS2 is not for me.

Every system has equal in advantages and disadvantages. It depends on what you prefer.

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