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Who dislikes the Zone?


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I'm not a big Zone user, infact I've only been there once (this past Sunday). I must say that 'most' of the folks 'hanging out' and chatting were, well, not the nicest and mature people.


About gameplay, I only got in 2 games of JK, both with hax0rs so they pretty much ruined my visit. I had never played JK before and was trying to get a little help. While I had fun trying it out when I was on my own, like I said there wasn't much real playing because of the cheaters and they said they would show me stuff, but wouldn't, or kill me with a spaceship or punch me across the map.


But I digress. I noticed very little, if any at all, lag or packetloss, so it wasn't so bad in that regard. But i usually prefer to use the 'ingame' browser for MP. Just personal preference.


Apparently, from what I can gather in my short time here, the Zone is a haven for cheaters and the like. I experienced it first hand in my very first game. So thumbs DOWN to the Zone.



And if you aren't talking about the 'ingame' browser for MP, could you elaborate on "what Half-Life did." Tnx

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I have to agree, that MAJORITY of ppl on zone are not nice to talk to and not very mature, but when you get to know them they are cool... just.... umm... misdirected :p And they not all bad, infact some are very nice ppl! :) *HiNT*


But it's a nice place to gather and chat and recruit. Yes lag does suck but lag sucks everywhere.


I for one will play SP nice and slowly first, then go to zone and check out what the other MP options are like :D



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