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Hey all, I was followin JK 2 for a while, then I kinda lost it dor a while.. but now I come back and its coming out in like 2 weeks! yeah!...


So anyway.. my question, I was a GOD in Jk1 in saberz, will the saber fighting be the same or different? what will be new about the sabz? In the trailer I see the guy doin backwards spins and ****.. will that be possible or a 1v1 player fight?

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I'd say there will be enough subtle differences in the saber system that even JK1 masters will need to "relearn" the system.


In a couple of threads people have been flaming each other over this issue and frankly it's really getting old. Nobody here (with a couple of exceptions) has played the actual game, and so they don't really know what the gameplay is like, they can only speculate based on previews and observations from the trailer. However, by all accounts, even small differences will make... all the difference.

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