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Here are two sketchs I made @ school for JK2


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I was bored during German 2 and Seminar, so I decided to put my Star Wars concept art to work. Any feedback would be nice. I was just messing around and thinking about JK2 at school all day. Tell me what you think and if anybody wants to model them onto anything or whatever. This was my very first concept anything. :D


My JK2 Concept Head for a new kind of Trooper or a new Bounty Hunter:



My JK2 Concept Body Model for anything:




P.S. If anybody needs my concept art "abilities" for a MOD or TC, I am open for your hire.

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Pretty good.




If the character is human, then consider the proportions of the head. Eyes on a human head are central, so you want to lower the goggle on the hemet to reflect the position on the head. Tip is to get an anatomically correct picture of a head (you may be able to find one on the net) and use it as a template to draw your helmet around.


If the character is an alien, don't worry about it. He could have a flat head!


What help do you need with the sensor?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Mayor McCheese

lol....umm sorry...how old are you? I mean...those drawings are really good for like....a six year old... sorry, just abusing my right to free speech...


WTF You should not flame someone who spends time giving ideas and asking for feedback, I say if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say it. Not everyone is a super artist and besides it is a sketch not a Super wonderfull drawing that he spent hours doing.


What matters is someone posted a model for others to make somthing out of and give idea's maybe an exact replica of his model.


These are things me and others like to see in a community idea's and drawings to help some of us be more creative in our work don't flame every person because he has an idea or is not a super artist. Give the guy a break and don't say nothing if you don't like it.


Oh BTW I may make somthing on that basis I will post it up here if I do :)


Keep up the good work never let people put you down at least your doing somthing for the community unlike this flamer Mayor McCheese :o

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Originally posted by Mayor McCheese

lol....umm sorry...how old are you? I mean...those drawings are really good for like....a six year old... sorry, just abusing my right to free speech...


Here, here.

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WTF You should not flame someone who spends time giving ideas

Dude he wasn't flaming anyone, YOU ARE. He's giving an honest opinion which is what the original poster was asking for. And honestly those drawings do look like a six year old drew them, sorry if that hurts your feelings, but they do.

Super wonderfull

Hey, no wonder why you're so adamant about defending crayola boy, you're both six year olds! He can't draw and you can't spell, you'd make a cute couple :D

. Give the guy a break and don't say nothing if you don't like it.

Are you retarded? The guy asked what people thought about it. Here, I'll quote him for you since it's obvious the Ritalin hasn't kicked in.

Any feedback would be nice.

Notice the word ANY, do you know what the word ANY means?

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Yeah ! He did say ANY feedback... I'm just voicing my opinion


Seriously though... if you are a six year old, good for you!


...but if you're any older than six.............lol



by the way, this kid had almost no feedback before I showed up....he should be thanking me for my brutally honest opinion...


p.s. Skynet...I'd like to see some of your "really good" artwork and I'll show you some of my crappy art

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Man, I never thought I would get replies almost 3 weeks later than it was originally posted. I never meant for a war to start. And yes....those aren't my skills....I have better skills like:


1) kicking ass and taking names in soccer

2) kicking ass 24/7 to those I hate and those whom hate me

3) making an "old car" into a masterpiece :D

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Well either you're all really nice and don't realize that without making a few comments he's not gonna get any better.


Or your all just dumb, cause this kid has a long way to go before he should be postin' his pic's on the net.


p.s. I see skynet hasn't replied, I wanna see some of his "really good drawings" , although I'm starting to doubt if they exist.

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I think he's in the early stages of becoming a decent artist.


Just keep drawing...a lot. Keep reference material of drawings or even one of those funny little wooden doll things, they're always good for reference / making into silly shapes when you get bored.


I remember drawing like that....and I'm not much better now, but not tried in a long long time.


Anyway, it's not what's on paper that matters to us, it's what you make it look like in the game :)


Happy Editing :ewok:

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well let me weigh in here.


First of all Cheese is just an internet troll, don't feed him.



I guess he doesn't understand what concept art is, but that is ok. Mustang some of the concept art by the people at ILM have 0 artistic skill and are just made to give a rough outline or idea to the team. Your sketchs , while not the best looking artistically , give a great idea of what you were going for.


I can draw very well, and I would never flame that for what it is. Like I stated before, the ideas seem pretty cool, and stop feeding trolls.

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Geez... Come on Cheese this guy is trying. Ya, it's not great but it is sufficient for his purpose.


So you know, the point of concept art is not to be perfect, it is to convey ideas. Not everyone is an artist. Do you do any art or skinning or mapping or anything other then just being insulting?


Until you post something of your own, lay off...with the 6 year old comments.


Oh and about the acrynoms, they are used as short form by experienced internet users...it takes a bit of practice and a broad vocabulary, but you will catch on. Just try and think about the acrynom, concentrate and take deep breaths. Its easy once your vocab progresses beyond a grade 3 level.


(see... anyone can be condescending if they want... But it's not very nice is it)


- Vorax

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