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EvilWench Calls You to Action


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Today a low blow was dealt to the SWGB community when the don at his monthly chat informed us that no rated had been or was being considered for SWGB.Despit the player demand and repeated request from Luca Arts to no avail.Now it is time for all of us to do our part to get thier attention.Six of us made our voices heard today I am proud to report and for those of you who couldnt be with us in the chat today I ask you in the intrest of SWGB and its xpac to send your emails in to the adress given to me by the don my suggestion for emails and the address is as follows: zsuggest@microsoft.com My name is I play SWGB.I would like to see rated rooms made available. There is power in numbers please take the time to make your voice heard.Thank you.EvilWench note to moderators im dragons wife!not an account stealer!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I only believe that the experts demand rated rooms and these players will soon move on when Warcraft III and AOM are released later in the year.


As mentioned before, the SWGB community is a smallish one and until some of these experts move on, it will remain that way. I get emails all the time about experts pretending to be rookiees and killing them inside 10 minutes.


Most people want to have massive battles and unless you know who some of these experts are, they can kill you off inside 20 minutes tops - with a rush.


So, having rated or not, doesn't really bother me



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well darth maul im not an expert you can bet I wont be on top of the rated list if we get one.However the reason i suggest rated is good for the game is that people from aoc aoe aok will not come because they enjoy rated and if SWGB dosent get user numbers to rise it may not remain supported on the zone.The part about people leaving for aom ,it is my suspicion that this is the reason for the delay in rated rooms,with aom comming out this fall cant have competiton for those 4000 ao? players!I say we should get rated because its fair to lucas arts and its fair to us in all other games i have checked into rated was provided with only a small demand from the players.In this instance it is not only the players but also the makers of this game pushing for rated.I personnaly will not be pushed aside by the zone!We deserve rated and positve changes as much as anyother game community on the zone.

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