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For Those In the UK 4Th trailer With Computer and Video Games Mag


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I looked over the E3 footage again and this footage is similar to that but shorter.. the duel takes place in the same exact area to that of the E3 footage but it IS different. anyway I was just letting people in the UK know if they still have a thrist for some JK2 stuff you can get it with the Computer and Video Games Magazine.. It may be an early view at the game but its GOD DAMN nice to see more Footage and 3 mins of it at that...


and having it on your TV and fill the screen without having any pixilation and stuff sure gives you more a dose of what the game is like than both the LucasArts Trailers and the PCGAMER UK trailer.



PEACE:fett: :fett: :fett:

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In regards to the Footage Im sure it was older because it didn't include saber lock or any of the new moves but I just wanted to ask you about editing.. right now I have started a map for JK2 in GTK Radiant using it with Quake 3 Textures and was wondering if once the game's released I would easily be able to convert it to a JK2?


or am I wasting my time?

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that description of the duel sounds amazing


ChangKhan you could release some game demos of you playing after the game is released, Vertigon says you are one of the best players :D


and now that you finished the game, good luck putting up a great demo ;)

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Originally posted by General Theros

ChangKhan, how much free time are you guys going to get now that the game is gold? When the game launches will we get to go toe to toe against any of you from Raven or LEC. Maybe we could get a lesson or two from the masters! ;)


General Theros


YEA! i wanna 0wn ChangKhan!! ...or try anyways :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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