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Just reserverd my copy of JO


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It's a fine saturday morning here in the Netherlands, and since I had to go to the bakery anyway, I decided to stop at my usual cd store and ask em what they got on JO.


So i walk in, admire the XBox (just came out), greet the guys (we sort of used to own that store, so i know them. I also get 10% discount but the whole deal is a long story so nm) and tell him:


Theres a game comin out in like two weeks, just enter JEDI into the computer. So the guy does and quite a list pops up. It even still included Jedi Knight and MOTS...



But, second in the list is Jedi Knight 2: Outcast (think thats how they listed it)

I already see it says March 28 (!) behind the title but i still ask:

So when will you have it in stores.

March 28 he says...


I double check, so you will REALLY have it then. Yep he says.

Ok, ill order it. :)




Well, i dont believe him when he says that theyll have it in stores then, but, I wouldnt shed a tear if i was wrong by disbelieving him and he was right with it being in the store march 28th :)



Here's hoping!

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