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Chose Your Sabre Colour


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Hello, on my first post I hope to quash the 'give off light' debate with one simple photo.




I think that settles it. Anakin is blatantly lit by the light off of his light-saber.


Black saber? Pur-lease. Gimmie a blue or green one any day! Also, I hope someone will come out with a lovley double ended lighsaber mod.

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Well there you have it, when Lucas takes the time it's clear that the colored glow is part of what he imagines in the lightsaber.


And a black colored glow makes no sense, and is not possible.


What this whole black saber thing boils down to is the same old group of people who are obsessed with the color black, not knowing when to draw the line. Have your trench coats, have your whatever... but know when it doesn't make sense to want black. Lightsabers are one of those instances.


If you want to be mr. bad ass, use red.

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lol Alfyboy.. not sure, could you reiterate one point again? j/k ;)


Cheap-marketing strategies aside, the game did have some cute features. The learning of new moves as you progressed, the 2player co-op mode, different abilities of each Jedi, and the lightsabers were pretty. :p But it did have some downers. As with many platformy type games, ledge-jumping was atrocious, and often led to a waste of lives because of graphics and crap perspective. Anyway... enough of Power Battles. ;)

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Again Pipesmoke.. you basically pronounce "you can have whatever saber color you want, as long as it's one of the movie colors."



if in jk2 you could make them look like sabers (maybe a white core or some kind of lighting effect, that or it absorbed the light around it, although that would be pretty impossible to do) that would be great and i'd want one too well maybe...


You mean something like this?




Whether or not you think it's a "stupid idea" or not doesn't mean that others agree with you.


Many things have appeared in the SW movies that people don't like, but if you're really a purist, you'll accept them as Gospel, since they were pronounced canon by the creator (George Lucas) himself. See: "Jar Jar Binks," "Midichlorians" etc.


The EU, as I said before, need not agree with the canon films. When and where it does, is a nice thing for purists, but otherwise, it's really inconsequential. If game developers were serious about only imitating the movies, they wouldn't make games like JK2, which are clearly outside the movie canon (like the rest of the EU).


If you want JK2 to be a classic canon game, I'm afraid you're in for an unpleasant suprise...

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If you want JK2 to be a classic canon game, I'm afraid you're in for an unpleasant suprise...


There are no surprises in store for one who played DF and JK and MOTS...


I want the game to be reasonably faithful to the movies, and not take on too much of the stupid crap I hear about from the EU books. But, faithfulness is a secondary concern here...


The main thrust of what I am saying, is just that a black lightsaber is lame.


And nonsensical.


That picture you mocked up, that you are so fond of posting :) is nice and all... but, a static model of Katarn on a flat grey background without any lighting from the blade, where you've merely replaced blue with black (only an insane person would've ever claimed you couldn't replace the color with black in a still picture, and I never claimed it) is quite a different animal from all the reprecussions and implications that trying to make a black saber in the actual game would bring with it.


To be perfectly honest I can't even believe I'm being forced to treat the desire for a black lightsaber like it's some kind of valid position for someone to hold, it is completely absurd! I mean, any moment now I think I'll have to wake up and realize that all is as it should be and nobody in the world would dare to think about a black lightsaber :)


Ah well, I await your comments. :saberg:

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Oh, one other thing...


Is it or is it not true, that the white core on the black saber is a concession and something you've adopted only in the face of my merciless assault of logic? :)


Is it not true that your original idea, and the idea of all those other black saber cravers out there who are not participating as actively in this debate... is that of a saber that is ENTIRELY black, core to glow?


Riddle me that, Batman! :D

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With all of the things in the Star Wars universe that may seem quite uncanny, I believe it's possible to have a black lightsaber, however, it would have to have a white core. For a lightsaber to be a lightsaber, it must function through 'light' or whatever else you want to call it, otherwise.. it'd just be something else. Now.. with that said.. with all of the other colors that are possible, isn't it feasible that a component could be added to the lightsaber that would have a chemical reaction with the light that would cause the lightsaber to have a black aura..?


Now.. that's my humble opinion. And oh yea, green and gold/yellow lightsabers all the way! :slsaber:

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hmm on the black lightsaber issue Pipe Smoke and Kurgan both have points on Pipe smokes side he said it would look weird and uncanny but Kurgan said it would not and that it wouldn't be impossible or something like that this is why i am sort of on both sides to me it would depend on the game and situation like A black lightsaber for a bad situation stuff like that and...


:saberb: all the way

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Oh, one other thing...


Is it or is it not true, that the white core on the black saber is a concession and something you've adopted only in the face of my merciless assault of logic?


Is it not true that your original idea, and the idea of all those other black saber cravers out there who are not participating as actively in this debate... is that of a saber that is ENTIRELY black, core to glow?


Riddle me that, Batman!


Actually no.


In fact, interestingly, the "black" saber I used often in JK/MotS was not pure black, it had a ghostly "shimmer" to it, but then it was just an in-game texture, I only used it because I didn't have to worry about others installing a mod to be able to see it. The one in BFP/2 was a recolored version of the blue saber, and so it had the "outline" of a core, etc, and was not pure black either. I did see some that were solid black, and they looked awful, I agree (like painted sticks). Then again, BFP2's sabers didn't even have rounded tips until I fixed that in my BFP2X patch. ; P


The idea to put in a white core was not as a result of your badgering, in fact it was done because I thought that's what a black saber in JK2 would look like. I figure we've got this pretty new graphics engine to work with, why not make it that way? The "fluffy white cloud" version you'll notice was also posted. The core could be green for all I care, it doesn't have to be white, it's just the color I chose. It's not a concession. ; )


After watching the latest JK2 videos in the giga series it appears that the game IS in fact using a big colored auro of colored lighting around the saber (oh well) in which case I would make the black saber give off white light. Note that this is not a concession either in this discussion, because in the original JK, black sabers also gave off white light (but then again they all did).


I do disagree with the idea that a lightsaber HAS to have a solid white core and give off a color of the "basic six" we've seen in JK1 (actually there were two red sabers, with different cores, making the total seven) in order to be a "real" lightsaber. Since again, we don't know how the mechanism really works, and canon isn't an issue. All that prevents black sabers from being a reality is the time involved in making the mod....

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