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Getting the Long Awaited Game...


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I remember when Jedi Knight came out. I went over to my friend's house to spend the night. (He had the best computer out of us all). We were up ALL night playing that game, and beat it both ways by sunrise. We were tired out of our minds, but so dang satisfied. I never played a game for so long as I did with JK. And I KNOW I will be doing the same with JKII:JO.

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Originally posted by UseDaAgression

Yea i did that once ^_^ I went to the mall 1 hour early for my game cube! It was so cool the whole mall was empty. All was quiet in the mall and the gates were down on all the shops hehe. But i preordered JO #1 cause ill be on vacation and wont be home till late the 29th when all are sold out. #2 Cause With overnight shipping the total was 43.95 ^_^


You're lucky you only had to wait an hour for your Cube. I had to wait in line at Wal-Mart for 13 hrs. to get mine, but I did end up being 4th in line. They sold out that night too at midnight (45 units I think). I pre-ordered my JO from LEC, but I'm in the process of cancelling it just because I put a copy on reserve at my local Software Etc. (no EB where I live). The guy there told me they are getting it on the 28th as well. Here's to hoping for getting it a little early. :D

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I'm probley going to get from compusa on the 30th. I'm going to get up call compusa over and over untill they tell me they have it. Then i'm goin to grab my dad and make him drive me down and then i will grab it and push my dad the whole way out. After that i will stick it into my dads laptop, maybe even in the car and install it.


Then i'm going to put it away and never touch the cd again. ;)


I'm going to have a blast playing this game! I can't wait!



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