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I was wondering whether Raven used an updated version of q3map to compile their maps. Did they even use q3map at all?


The reason I'm asking is because someone (ydnar - quake3world.com) is updating q3map, allowing you to make maps with incredibly detailed shadows. (not the block q3 ones) It even allows radiosity now (lit surfaces illuminating other surfaces). And apart from that, compiling maps is a lot faster.

Anyone who ever made maps for a quake 3 engine powered game knows how long it takes to compile maps...

Anyways..I guess I could have asked the devs directly, but I thought every mapper should know about this new q3map, as I'm pretty sure it can be used to compile JO maps..

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Let me answer this quickly. Q3map by Ydnar is focussing on Q3, but he just dropped in at the Elite Force community as well. Q3map has been changed by Raven Software to support ladders. I already asked Ydnar if he can make a version for JK2 once it is released. Just cross your fingers ;)

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